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Trump Open to RFK Jr. Joining Presidential Debates

Alright, folks, here’s the latests on the upcoming debate.

President Trump recently shared in an interview that he’s fine with independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joining him and the Biden on the debate stage.

“I would have no problem” was his remarks in regards to having RFK Jr. join the debates.

Looks like this debate could shape up to be one for the history books.

But Kennedy Jr. might need to pick up the pace to make it happen.

He is quite behind in the polls.

Is RFK Jr’s hopes in joining the debate a pipe dream?

NBC News reports:

Former President Donald Trump said in a new interview that he has “no problem” with independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joining him and President Joe Biden on the debate stage if he meets the criteria for the upcoming June and September presidential debates.

“I would have no problem if he got whatever the threshold is. But he’s very low and he seems to be heading in the other direction, in the wrong direction,” Trump said in an interview with Charles Benson, the chief political reporter for WTMJ-TV Milwaukee. “I would have no problem with it though. If he qualified, I would have no problem.”

After months of speculation if Trump and Biden would even face off in a debate format, both campaigns committed to two debates on Wednesday, one set for late June and another in September.

RFK Jr. accused Trump and Biden of “colluding” to exclude him from debates on social media Wednesday shortly after the debates were finalized.

“They are trying to exclude me from their debate because they are afraid I would win,” Kennedy wrote in his post.

Trump also told the Milwaukee NBC affiliate that he would likely announce his vice presidential pick in the city this summer, referencing the Republican convention set to take place there July 15-18.

“That’s probably a pretty good chance, I would say. I don’t say anything’s 100% but you’re getting pretty close,” Trump said. “I’ll be doing it in Milwaukee.

Does Kennedy really think he can win?

Is this an attempt to pull votes away from Trump?

What’s the endgame?


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