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Guess Who’s Now Delivering Uber Eats, DoorDash? SHOCKING Scam Exposed

You thought if you just stayed in your house that you’d wouldn’t come across illegal invaders?

Well, you know that food delivery app you’re so fond of?

That one on your phone in your hand or in your pocket?

You might want to think twice about using it.

Turns out illegal invaders have found a crack in the system, a way to hijack the system and get paid.

And now they’re the ones delivering your food.

So, now you have a direct connection to them.

Just a few simple taps on your phone could bring these notortiously dangerous illegals right to your front door.

Muckraker, the up and coming investigative news company in the vein of James O’Keefe, just dropped a bombshell.

Turns out Chinese illegal aliens are running a hustle on Uber Eats and DoorDash.

Here’s how it works: they rent accounts from legit drivers, pocket 85% of the profits, and toss 15% back to the account owner.

Think Chinese are the only ones using this scam?

Remember the Laken Riley murder?

Turns out the wife of the killer, Jose Ibarra, mentioned he was driving for Uber Eats and DoorDash at the time.

And both Uber and DoorDash confirmed that they didn’t hire him.

So he was doing it using the someone-else’s-account-scam.

Muckraker reports:

Muckraker has obtained exclusive interviews with Chinese illegal aliens who are fraudulently driving for Uber Eats and DoorDash.

The illegals rent an account from a legitimate driver and take 85% of the profit. The remaining 15% goes to the account owner.

At the time of Laken Riley’s murder, the wife of the murderer, Jose Ibarra, said that he had been driving for Uber Eats and DoorDash. Both Uber and DoorDash denied ever employing Ibarra. This means that he was likely driving under another person’s account in a similar manner to the Chinese illegals we interviewed.

The public safety risks here are astounding. This broken system could allow criminals like Jose Ibarra to gain close access to the homes of thousands of Americans.

That “instant food” button on your phone isn’t looking so appetizing anymore, is it?

If I had those apps, I’d delete them.

Here’s Rubin on Jesse Watters’ show a month ago talking about this invasion.

It looks like some Chinese aren’t too happy with Muckraker.

This post says something about “F you fake news”


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