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WATCH: Top Senators Believe Military-Industrial Complex Recovered Craft From Non-Human Intelligence

Top Senators, both past and present, believe that the military-industrial complex has recovered craft and technologies from non-human intelligence.

Senators such as the late Harry Reid, who was one of the eight Senators on top of the intelligence food chain, and Chuck Schumer are among the names on the list.

Surprisingly, former Vice Presidential candidate Joe Lieberman, who recently passed away, was also reportedly on that list.

The Hill and News Nation recently revealed the long history of top Senators who believe that we have recovered and are reverse engineering alien craft:

The Hill revealed:

In late 2011, for example, the top scientist at the Department of Homeland Security met with Lieberman, then chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and Reid to discuss the establishment of an ultra-secret UFO program.

As outlined in remarkable detail in newly released documents, the intent of the proposed program was to “gain access to and inventory” UFOs secretly under “investigation in National Laboratories, government organizations and/or contractors.”

Mike Colangelo shared this News Nation report: “Elon Musk Has Been Read In to Parts of The UFO Program.

According to newly declassified documents, top senators met in 2011 with scientists at at the Department of Homeland Security to advocate for a formal reverse-engineering program to glean new technology from recovered alien craft, the existence of which is treated as a fact in the documents.

Ross Coulthart also says that he was told that Elon Musk has been read in to parts of the UFO program.”

Daily Mail shared corroborating claims made by whistleblower David Grusch:

“I was informed, in the course of my official duties, of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program.

“I made the decision, based on the data I collected, to report this information to my superiors and multiple inspectors general, in effect becoming a whistleblower.”


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