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Wife CAUGHT POISONING Air Force Husband, Receives Slap on Wrist

Looks like we’ve got a barista that loves brewing bleach.

Melody Felicano Johnson, 40, admits to poisoning her Air Force hubby’s coffee with a splash of bleach on two different days that were caught on camera.

Two different days is all she would fess up to because they were filmed, despite husband noticed this was happening for weeks before getting the camera set up.

And with all the video evidence, yet somehow this aspiring murderer manages to dodge the slammer.

Classic case of liberal justice and women getting lighter sentences.

Per Google:

A 2020 study shows that women receive 33% shorter prison sentences than men, even when controlling for all observable characteristics – including a very precise description of the crime.

I was of the mindset that if you put poison in someone’s drink, right to jail.

You try to kill your spouse daily for months, right to jail.

Or perhaps attempted murder isn’t a big deal anymore?

Fox News reports:

An Arizona woman who admitted to poisoning her Air Force husband by pouring bleach into his coffee is reportedly avoiding jail time.

Melody Felicano Johnson, 40, pleaded guilty last month to two counts of poisoning food or drink for putting trace amounts of bleach into husband Roby Johnson’s coffee maker on July 11 and July 18, 2023, Arizona’s 13 News reported.

Johnson was sentenced to a probation sentence that includes mandatory mental health treatment that goes into effect immediately, and she is not allowed to have contact with her husband unless a legal team is present.

Roby Johnson said he believed his wife was trying to kill him to collect death benefits, according to court documents.

She was initially arrested and charged with attempted first-degree murder, aggravated assault and adding harmful substances to food, drink or medicine but agreed to a plea deal instead.

The couple have a child together and were going through a divorce.

Roby began to notice his coffee tasted odd while he was drinking a cup in March 2023. He drank the coffee for two or three weeks before purchasing pool testing strips to determine what was wrong with it.

Roby set up a camera inside their temporary housing near Davis Monthan Air Force Base, and the camera allegedly captured Melody pouring bleach into his coffee.

On July 6, he filed a report with the Tucson Police Department, but police did not follow up because the video did not clearly show what liquid his wife was pouring into his drink, prompting Roby to set up a second camera disguised as a fire alarm.

Mirror adds:

A woman who attempted to poison her husband by poisoning his coffee with bleach has been spared jail.

Melody Felicano Johnson was ordered by Pima County Superior Court Judge Javier Chon-Lopez to spend three years on probation after striking a plea deal with prosecutors. She admitted two counts of adding a poison to a harmful substance to food or drink.

Felicano Johnson faced a maximum of two years for each crime. She was originally charged with attempted murder, but the charges were reduced. The sentence included time served – she has been in custody for nearly a year because she was unable to pay the $250,000 bond – and must undergo mental health treatment.

I wonder why Judge Lopez had leniency on Felicano?

The Journalist Resource reports their findings:

A 2015 study published in the Journal of Criminal Justice, “From Initial Appearance to Sentencing: Do Female Defendants Experience Disparate Treatment?,” takes a broader look at gender disparities within the criminal justice system. The four researchers — Natalie Goulette of the University of West Florida and John Wooldredge, James Frank and Lawrence Travis III of the University of Cincinnati — explored outcomes at two key stages of the criminal justice process. They examined decisions that judges made at a defendant’s first appearance hearing and during sentencing. Previous studies had investigated gender disparities in judicial decisions connected with only one of those two events, potentially neglecting the interaction of the outcomes at each phase. The researchers analyzed 3,593 felony cases that had been referred in 2009 to the County Office of the Prosecutor of a large, urban jurisdiction in the northern United States.

Findings include:

  • Women were less likely to be detained before trial. They were 46 percent less likely than men to held in jail prior to a trial.
  • Women who were released on bond were given lower bond amounts. Their bonds were set at amounts that were 54 percent lower than what men were required to pay.
  • Women were 58 percent less likely to be sentenced to prison.
  • For defendants who were sentenced to prison, there generally was no gender disparity in the length of the sentence. There were disparities in sentencing for some individual types of crime, however. For example, female defendants convicted of theft received longer prison sentences than male defendants convicted of theft. Women convicted of “other property offenses” – a category of crimes that includes arson, receiving stolen property and breaking and entering — received shorter prison sentences.

This story, along with the video evidence and the outcome is absolutely friggin insane!


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