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Jerry Seinfeld’s Wife Just Set The Record Straight After Duke University Graduation Walkout

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld was the commencement speaker at Duke University recently and shared some life lessons masquerading as jokes during his address.

As has become commonplace on American college campuses recently, however, a group of anti-Jewish protests made the event all about themselves as they stormed out shouting pro-Palestine slogans.

But his wife, Jessica, wanted to put things in perspective.

As Fox News reported:

“Amazing crowd @dukeuniversity today where Jerry gave the commencement speech and received an honorary degree,” Jessica Seinfeld wrote on her Instagram story. “There was a minimal interruption – a small group of protesters walked out.”

“They were booed by the crowd and then the stadium chanted ‘Jer-ry!’” she added. “Jerry’s speech was amazing and the grads and their parents gave him a standing ovation.”

Both the protest and Seinfeld’s remarks during the ceremony became popular topics of discussion on social media in the subsequent days:

The content of his address steered clear of any hot-button political issues, as reported by Deadline:

Seinfeld did not touch on the Gaza conflict during his speech at Duke. He told students to embrace hard work and what they love, according to WRAL News.

“Find something where you love the good parts and don’t mind the bad parts too much — the torture you’re comfortable with,” the comedian joked.

“This is the golden path to victory in life. Work. Exercise. Relationships,” he added.” They all have a solid component of pure torture, and they are all 1,000% worth it.”

The walkout was the only disruption to the commencement ceremony.

Here’s a full clip of his speech:


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