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‘On Day One’: Trump Makes Major Second-Term Policy Promise

Donald Trump has long expressed his skepticism of the far-left’s green-energy scheme, and he recently outlined what he would do on “day one” of a second term to rein in what he believes is one of the most egregious aspects of the entire agenda.

He vowed to curtail offshore wind development, citing a number of concerns about such projects.

According to Bloomberg:

“We are going to make sure that that ends on day one,” he said. “I’m going to write it out in an executive order.”

While Trump has made no secret of his animus to wind power, he had adopted a mostly hands-off posture during his first term in the White House. The remarks in New Jersey suggest he may take a more aggressive stance if given a second.

While Trump wasn’t specific, a president could issue an executive order directing a fresh study of the impact of offshore wind and halting the permitting of new projects in the meantime. President Joe Biden used a similar approach to order a moratorium on offshore oil leasing during his first week in the White House.

It was one of several highlights from Trump’s massively successful rally in New Jersey over the weekend:

It wasn’t the first time in recent weeks that Trump has expressed his opposition to offshore wind development.

As The Washington Post reported following a fundraiser in Florida:

“I hate wind,” Trump told the executives over a meal of chopped steak at his Mar-a-Lago Club and resort in Florida, according to a person with knowledge of the meeting, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a private conversation.

Trump’s comments revealhow he is wooing potential donors with his long-standing hostility to wind farms and pledges to halt this form of renewable energy if he returns to office. His stance poses a potential threat to one of the linchpins of America’s clean-energy transition, according to more than a dozen Trump allies, energy experts and offshore wind industry officials.

Here’s a little more analysis of the event at which he made his latest remarks about wind power:


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