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Based Florida Sheriff Tells Liberals Fleeing Crime-Ridden Big Cities They Aren’t Welcome In His County

As cities far and wide defund or seek to radicalize their local police forces and the federal law enforcement system having been demolished by the Biden administration, sheriffs are often the final line of defense against chaos and mayhem on the streets.

And officials like Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno continue to prove that law and order is not entirely a thing of the past in modern-day America.

He recently issued a scathing rebuke of Democratic-led jurisdictions along with a stark warning to any leftists who are thinking of ditching their hometown for a residence in his Florida county.

According to Fox News:

“They want to leave California. They want to leave New York. Okay. And then they come down to a state like Florida, where we are law and order, and they don’t change their views,” he said. “You left a place where there’s havoc, where people can rob, steal, loot, do drugs in safe havens. And then you’re upset that it’s so bad there, and you come here and still do the same thing. Same action, same result.”

The sheriff had a clear message for those who keep voting for the far-left policies – go back to the lawlessness you came from.

“I tell people all the time, and it’s probably not popular to some. If you don’t like living with law and order, have a nice day. Leave. Go back to where you came from because we don’t want you here. We welcome everyone to our great state of Florida. But if you think lawlessness leads the way, if you believe that criminals should roam the streets and steal and rob and, God forbid, deal poison to the streets and kill innocent people, you’re not the person we want here. You can go back and live with lawlessness.”

Marceno frequently touts his tough-on-crime mentality in public statements and on social media:

His latest comments sparked a bit of discussion online.

He’s also been transparent about the job he and his officers do, even displaying it all on the small screen, as reported by Florida Politics:

Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno executed a major fentanyl operation with an internet streaming show in tow.

The Republican law enforcement leader wore body vests and stood before a SWAT team in full gear in front of a local drug den. The entire scene as Marceno delivered a warrant was captured by media cameras, which in late January filmed the Sheriff planting a sign with his face emblazoned on it reading “This Drug House Closed.”

“We come in strong, and we mean business,” Marceno said. “So, we’re going to take everything we can from drug dealers: cars, houses, money, everything we seize.”

The event unfolded with On Patrol: Live, a Reelz streaming show, riding along with Marceno for the week.

Here’s another clip in which he lays out his law-enforcement philosophy:


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