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NFL Hall Of Famer Reveals That Trump Convinced Him To Leave The Democratic Party

Joe Biden has done plenty during his time in office to push Americans of all backgrounds out of the Democratic Party. But Donald Trump has simultaneously been offering voters an incentive to embrace the GOP.

That’s the story that retired NFL great Lawrence Taylor told during his appearance at a packed rally in New Jersey over the weekend.

According to the Daily Wire:

At a campaign rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, on Saturday, former President Donald Trump received an endorsement from Hall of Fame NFL linebacker Lawrence Taylor, who announced the Democratic Party had fumbled his support.

“I just wanted to say I grew up a Democrat and I’ve always been a Democrat until I met this man right here,” Taylor told the crowd, referring to Trump. And I tell you what, he will not have to worry nobody in my family ever voting for a Democrat again.”

As cheers erupted, Taylor stepped aside and embraced Trump, who wore one of his red “Make America Great Again” hats. Taylor’s former New York Giants teammate, Ottis Anderson, walked up to the microphone and spoke.

Taylor’s appearance was one of many moments during the rally that received significant attention on social media:

The size and enthusiasm of the crowd should send a message to the Biden campaign, explained former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, as Fox News reported:

“That was extraordinary,” McCarthy told host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday. “New Jersey [is] not a place that people think Republicans would ever compete, but the size of the crowd…could President Biden get that crowd in the heart of New York or in the most Democrat state? Could he do it in California? The answer is no.”

“The other thing that we’re hearing coming out of the White House itself is… President Biden needs to campaign less, talk less, because he gets in trouble while doing it,” he continued. “This is President Trump showing no matter what they throw at him, he’s going to fight back. He’s going to lead this nation on the issues they care most about.”

A Wildwood spokesperson told the Associated Press that between 80,000 and 100,000 people attended the rally, which was more than double what was expected. Trump confidently said he would win New Jersey in November as the crowd erupted.

Here’s a clip of McCarthy’s remarks:


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