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Did President Trump Drop Major Clues About VP Pick At Tonight’s Rally?

This evening, President Trump spoke at one of this biggest rallies yet.

In Wildwood, New Jersey, nearly 100,000 supporters turned out to show their love for Trump!

But, before our president took the stage, Governor of North Dakota Doug Burgum gave a speech.

Gov. Burgum has recently been floated as an “unlikely” candidate for Trump’s running mate — and, his appearance at tonight’s rally has many wondering if this might be President Trump’s surprising, but final, choice for VP.

Check out the conversation on social media:

Earlier this week, Politico reported on Doug Burgum’s place on Trump’s rumored VP shortlist:

On the set of a Fort Lauderdale studio Sunday morning, Doug Burgum raised a mug halfway to his mouth and froze, apparently startled that Jake Tapper had thrown to him. The North Dakota governor quickly stashed his drink and flashed a smile to the camera.

The awkward moment highlighted how Burgum, despite being one of Donald Trump’s top surrogates, is still fairly new to the spotlight. A year ago, few Americans outside his Upper Midwest state had heard of Burgum, a mild-mannered, self-made businessman. He is now seen as one of the top contenders to be the Republican running mate.

The big question is why.

One of his home state senators, GOP Sen. Kevin Cramer, said he was “initially surprised” over Burgum’s ascendance in the veepstakes campaign, “because a white male from a state with three electoral votes that haven’t gone to a Democrat since LBJ does not seem to bring a lot of electoral value to the ticket.”

But Cramer said the governor has “earned serious consideration,” particularly after showing off his knowledge on energy, economic and foreign policy. And despite Burgum coming across as one of the less-Trumpy Republicans in the presidential primary, he has been “unapologetically” advocating for and defending Trump since dropping out in December, the senator said.

Nobody has played their cards better since the primary,” said Scott Jennings, a former political adviser to President George W. Bush. “Trump is a casting director. Who looks more like a VP than Burgum?”

Then, today, during President Trump’s speech, he showered Gov. Burgum with glowing praise and said to, “Get ready for something, okay? Just get ready…”

Watch this moment here:

What do you think that means?..

Did President Trump really just tease his choice for vice president?..

It certainly seems like that could be the case.

Fox News reports:

North Dakota Gov. and former presidential candidate Doug Burgum was front and center at Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, on Saturday, fueling speculation he remains a contender on the increasingly short list of potential running mates.

Burgum was a guest on Trump’s “Trump Force One” campaign plan. He briefly addressed the crowd before the former president took the stage.

Bergum said working with President Trump was “like having a beautiful breeze at your back.”

“President Trump respects state’s rights. He cut regulation. He lowered taxes,” Burgum said. “Working under the Biden regulatory regime is like having a gale-force wind in your face.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer added:

Kicking off Saturday’s rally is North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, who has emerged as an “unlikely candidate” to become Donald Trump’s running mate, as Politico put it this week.

Burgum’s own presidential run was short-lived – he dropped out of the Republican primary in December after garnering very little support. But he endorsed Trump way back in May 2016 and again in January.

Among the other candidates Trump is reportedly considering for VP are South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy.

One person we know won’t be on the ticket will be Trump’s former vice president, Mike Pence, who said he isn’t endorsing his former boss following his attempts to overturn the 2020 election results.

Ahead of his rally in Wildwood Saturday, Trump wrote isn’t considering Nikki Haley, his former U.N. ambassador, for vice president Saturday

Adding fuel to the fire of speculation that Doug Burgum could be Trump’s running mate is the fact that Trump invited him and his wife to fly to the rally on his “Trump Force One” campaign plane with him.

The New York Post reported:

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum was a surprise guest on former president Donald Trump’s “Trump Force One” campaign plane Saturday, joining the presumptive GOP nominee as he flew over a massive Jersey Shore crowd gathering for an oceanside rally.

Burgum, rumored to be on Trump’s vice presidential shortlist, and his wife Kathryn remained behind on the plane to speak privately with Trump before he stepped out on the tarmac.

So, what do you think?

Did Trump reveal his VP choice at the rally tonight?

Would you support a Trump/Burgum ticket?

NATIONAL POLL: Who Is Your Top Choice For Trump’s VP?


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