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CNN Fareed Zakaria: TRUMP WAS RIGHT About Border, Biden Should Take Note

I bet you didn’t catch CNN”s Fareed Zakaria’s latest take about the border?

Because who watches CNN?

So he’s finally admitting that Trump’s border policies actually made sense.

In a recent interview on PBS’ ‘Firing Line,’ Zakaria argued that Biden ought to take a page from Trump’s playbook.

I’m sure the entire newsroom froze stiff at hearing that.

Eyes darting back and forth in the editing room.

Sweat pouring down their foreheads.

I can almost hear it. ‘What do you want to do? Kill the feed?’

But Zakaria didn’t stop and they didn’t stop him.

He pointed out that even though Trump faced court challenges, his approach resonated with Americans.

Basically stating that “Maybe Biden can learn from him.”

I can almost see a mysterious hand hovering over a large red kill switch button.

ZAKARIA: “The whole system is broken,” he said. “And Biden needs to confront that and say, you know, ‘We are going to have to reform the whole system.’ I would wish he’d do something much more extreme, like, say ‘the old asylum system is dead. No one is coming in through that process. You have to apply from your home country’.

MARGARET HOOVER: “Which was, which was a Trump policy.”

ZAKARIA: “Which was a Trump– and also the Mexico, let– you know, you have to be in Mexico to apply. I think that’s all correct.”

HOOVER: “So strategically, you think [cross] if Biden would tack towards Trump policies he would have a better political chance?”

ZAKARIA: “Yeah. And by the way, it’s the right policy because the old asylum system is being gamed by millions of people.”

Fox News reports:

CNN host Fareed Zakaria argued in a new interview that some of former President Trump’s border policies were objectively correct, and warned that the modern asylum rules are being exploited by cartels.

“This is a place where Biden should learn something from Trump,” Zakaria argued this week on PBS’ “Firing Line,” noting that even if he was thwarted by courts, Trump’s efforts alone were inspiring to Americans.

“So the whole system is broken,” Zakaria said of the modern asylum process. “And Biden needs to confront that and say, you know, ‘We are going to have to reform the whole system.’”

“I would wish he’d do something much more extreme, like say, ‘The old asylum system is dead. No one is coming in through that process. You have to apply from your home country,’” he added.

After host Margaret Hoover noted this was a Trump policy, Zakaria agreed and also recalled the policy where “you have to be in Mexico to apply [for asylum]. I think that’s all correct.”

“It’s also the right policy, because the old asylum system is being gamed by millions of people,” Zakaria said when asked if he thinks Biden should strategically adopt Trump’s border policies.

Longer version:


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