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An Update On My Mission — Now One Year In [From Noah]

Hey everyone….

One year ago, I set out on a new Mission and I very publicly announced it on here.

Now it’s time for an update!

Since 2015, I have been on a Mission to get the truth out to as many people as possible.


Because the “Legacy Media” failed at being the Media and so me and countless other Citizen Journalists stepped in to fill that void.

After launching in 2015 with zero dollars, zero experience, and zero readers, we quickly grew.

Now 9 years later, we have over 5+ million people reading this website each month and the truth is getting out like never before.

That will always remain my primary mission.  I love it.  And I love the impact we are all making together.

But a year ago I launched a second mission.

You see, my friend Jovan Pulitzer puts it this way:

I think that’s so well said.

And since 2015, I’ve really focused on the first two things…

Helping get the TRUTH out to as many people as possible so we can win the battle at the ballot box, and doing it in a way that is the most time-effective way possible for you!

I work hard all day long reporting the news so you can just come to one place and find everything you need!

That’s why I run

But I hadn’t really focused on the third way we can vote: with our pocketbooks!

At least, that was, until February of 2023.

That’s when I launched my newest mission: to fight back!  To help people band together, strength in numbers, to fight back against the Woke Mind Virus that has poisoned and ruined so many brands and consumer goods products….and to vote with our dollars for a better solution!

I launched this mission the same way I launched my original mission in 2015: with no money, no experience and no one on board with me.

But just as we did the first time, this one grew fast as well.

Fast forward one year and we’ve now had over 200,000 people raise their hands after hearing about what I’m doing and say “I love that idea, I’d love to get on board with you!”

Hard to even imagine…over 200,000 people!

But I’m not settling, not stopping.

My goal has always been to hit the One Million Person mark.

I think that’s when we start to really see some major wins in this battle.

So I’m continuing to spread the word and onboard as many new people as possible.

Care to join us?

You probably want to hear more details and that’s why I’m hosting a big online gathering this coming Tuesday where I’ll tell you EVERYTHING you need to know.

It’s super simple, easy and FREE — just join me this coming Tuesday, May 14th at 8:30pm EDT / 7:30pm CDT.

You can register using this link right here or directly in the window right below:

It’s totally FREE to join me but you do have to register to save your spot.


Oh, and only the first 250 can get it….so grab your spot early.

And show up about 5 minutes early on Tuesday to make sure you get in.

I’ll give you all the details when we meet online Tuesday night plus I’ll dish out some invites.

Really looking forward to seeing you there!

– Noah

p.s. you’ll be joining over 200,000 people who have raised their hands and said they want in since February 2023.  And it’s starting to make a HUGE difference!  It’s amazing what we can do when we all band together.  We truly have the power….we just forgot that for too long.  But we’re not silent anymore.  I hope you’ll join us!


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