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Here’s Why Barron Trump Declined A Position As Republican Delegate In Florida

Now that he’s 18 and soon to be a high school graduate, reports have surfaced about Barron Trump’s fledgling plans to enter the world of politics, following in the footsteps of his father, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

That path had been expected to involve a role as a GOP delegate for the state of Florida.

As People reported:

Trump confirmed that Barron will be “going to college,” adding that “a lot of these choices of colleges are changing because you see what’s going on in the last month,” likely referring to pro-Palestinian protests that have shut down some campuses.

Barron is set to graduate from Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach, Florida, on May 17, and was just recently selected along with other relatives to be an at-large delegate for Florida at the RNC, per a delegate list first obtained by NBC News.

Just 10 years old when his father became president, Barron grew up largely out of the public eye, and has kept a low profile in Florida with his mother, Melania Trump, since departing from Washington, D.C., in 2021.

The teenager’s new delegate status will mark his highest-profile political role yet, and he’s been selected alongside siblings Don Jr., Eric and Tiffany, as well as Tiffany’s husband, Michael Boulos, and Don Jr.’s fiancée, Kimberly Guilfoyle.

The delegates will attend the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee in July to cast their votes to support Trump and ultimately solidify his place as the 2024 Republican presidential nominee.

Such reports sparked a flurry of social media comments … but his mother, Melania Trump, confirmed that he would not be accepting the position after all.

Here’s why the teen opted against joining the slate of Florida delegates, per ABC News:

Former President Donald Trump’s youngest child, Barron Trump, is declining an opportunity to serve as Florida’s GOP at-large delegate to the Republican National Convention due to “prior commitments,” former first lady Melania Trump’s office confirmed to ABC News.

“While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments,” the Office of Melania Trump wrote in a statement to ABC News.

The Florida Republican Party announced earlier this week that the former president’s son was selected as one of the state’s delegates, along with other members of the Trump family who have played more active role in Trump’s campaign — including Trump’s older sons, Eric Trump, Donald Trump Jr., his girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle and Trump’s youngest daughter, Tiffany Trump.

Here’s a clip of the proud papa talking about his youngest son:


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