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WATCH: Biden Accuser Forced To FLEE Country, Breaks Silence In New Interview

One of Joe Biden’s accusers is breaking her silence after she was forced to flee the country.

Tara Reade was a Senate staffer working for Joe Biden in 1993 and claims that Biden raped her and covered it up; Reade was 28 at the time.

After she took her claims to the Department of Justice, she was shocked to find out that it was not Joe Biden who was under investigation, but herself.

Following the harassment and obvious hostility from the deep state, Reade decided that she had to get out of the country.

She is now seeking political asylum in Russia and spoke with Tucker Carlson in Moscow:

Russia Today, a state-affiliated outlet, noted:

In her interview with Carlson, Reade recounted how the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI had “harassed” her, claiming that she had even received “death threats.

According to the former aide, US authorities built a case against her after accessing her email and social media accounts.

She added that, while the FBI and the DOJ had come close to indicting her, they wouldn’t disclose what her supposed crime was as the whole case was “sealed.”

Congressional candidate Lavern Spicer voiced her outrage: “LET ME SEE IF I GOT THIS RIGHT: Tara Reade accused Joe Biden of raping her. She reported it to the DOJ and the FBI.

They opened an investigation on HER instead of Biden. She wrote a book about it. She went on a book tour to Russia.

DOJ labelled her a traitor and said DON’T COME BACK. Now girl gotta live in RUSSIA because the Democrats kicked her out of her own country. Y’all, I can’t hate this muthafucking bastard president or his fucked up fascist goons enough.

Only thing I hate more than him is the Republicans who let him get the fuck away with it all. I used to not understand why countries all around the world see AMERICA as the enemy. Now I Do. FUCK YOU JOE BIDEN.”

Following Reade’s departure to Russia, USA Today featured this statement from the Biden accuser:

“I’m still kind of in a daze a bit but I feel very good,” Reade told Sputnik, saying she made the “very difficult” decision to leave the United States because of her security concerns.

She stopped short of saying she was formally defecting and renouncing her U.S. citizenship.

“My dream is to live in both places, but it may be that I only live in this place and that’s okay,” Reade said.


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