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RFK Jr. Says Worm Crawled Into His Brain, Ate Some Of It, Then Died

Here’s something you don’t read everyday…

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. just opened up about a very bizarre, very disturbing medical issue he experienced.

Back in 2010, RFK Jr. was experiencing brain fog and memory loss.

Doctors thought he had a brain tumor. But, in the process of preparing for surgery, the medical team discovered something far more shocking: a worm that crawled into his brain, ate part of it, then died!

Who had this on their bingo card?

The memes have been coming at him hard on this one all day, and some are pretty hilarious.

Here are a few of the best responses I’ve seen on social media:

Some people noted that somehow, RFK Jr’s brain apparently killed the worm?

Did it starve?..

Hannity shared his take:

The Babylon Bee also published this hilarious piece of satire:

But, in all seriousness, this has to be one of the weirdest stories I’ve ever heard.

The New York Times has more details on RFK Jr’s brain worm:

In 2010, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was experiencing memory loss and mental fogginess so severe that a friend grew concerned he might have a brain tumor. Mr. Kennedy said he consulted several of the country’s top neurologists, many of whom had either treated or spoken to his uncle, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, before his death the previous year of brain cancer.

Several doctors noticed a dark spot on the younger Mr. Kennedy’s brain scans and concluded that he had a tumor, he said in a 2012 deposition reviewed by The New York Times. Mr. Kennedy was immediately scheduled for a procedure at Duke University Medical Center by the same surgeon who had operated on his uncle, he said.

While packing for the trip, he said, he received a call from a doctor at New York-Presbyterian Hospital who had a different opinion: Mr. Kennedy, he believed, had a dead parasite in his head.

The doctor believed that the abnormality seen on his scans “was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died,” Mr. Kennedy said in the deposition.

But, don’t worry folks.

RFK Jr.’s campaign assures us that even though part of Kennedy’s brain is in the belly of a dead worm, it won’t affect his ability to lead if he ever actually becomes president.

From CNN:

Kennedy’s campaign declined to provide his medical records to the Times. In a statement to CNN, Stefanie Spear, a spokesperson for Kennedy’s campaign, said he had “traveled extensively in Africa, South America and Asia” as part of his work as an environmental advocate and said he contracted a parasite in one of those trips.

“The issue was resolved more than 10 years ago and he is in robust physical and mental health. Questioning Mr. Kennedy’s health is a hilarious suggestion, given his competition,” the campaign said, referring to the advanced ages of the 81-year-old President Joe Biden and 77-year-old former President Donald Trump.

In his first public comments after the report published, Kennedy in a social media post offered “to eat 5 more brain worms and still beat President Trump and President Biden in a debate.”

“I feel confident of the result even with a six-worm handicap,” he joked.


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