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MUST SEE: Boeing 767 Cargo Plane Makes Dramatic Landing Without Front Landing Gear In Latest Mishap [VIDEO]

A Boeing 767 cargo plane, operated by FedEx Airlines, made a dramatic landing at Istanbul Airport when its front landing gear failed to open.

“Fedex Express Flight 6268, a Boeing 767, was flying from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport to Istanbul Airport when it informed the Turkish traffic control tower that its landing gear failed to open. Airport rescue and fire teams prepared the runway and the tower instructed the plane’s crew to proceed with landing,” FOX Business stated.

The airplane managed to stay on the runway and avoid casualties.

The Turkish Transport Ministry said no one was injured in the incident.


FOX Business reports:

The landing video shows the front wheels were initially deployed but appeared to fail to lock into place. They were not used during the landing as the body of the plane made contact with the runway. The aircraft managed to remain on the runway during the landing.

The runway was temporarily closed to air traffic, but traffic on other runways continued without any interruption, said airport operator IGA, Reuters reported.

Authorities are investigating the incident, a Turkish Transport Ministry official said. It gave no reason for the failure.

The Boeing 767 is a nearly 10-year-old freighter. It is one of the most common cargo planes and uses a model dating back to the 1980s.

FedEX said in a statement to Reuters that it was coordinating with the investigation and would “provide additional information as it is available.”


From The Guardian:

The incident comes at a time when Boeing’s safety record is under intense scrutiny, after a string of crises and safety issues.

Boeing on Tuesday said it had informed regulators about possible failures to carry out mandatory safety inspections on its 787 Dreamliner planes. The US regulator, the Federal Aviation Administration, said it was “investigating whether Boeing completed the inspections and whether company employees may have falsified aircraft records”.

It followed separate allegations by a whistleblowing engineer that Boeing took shortcuts to reduce production bottlenecks while making the 787.

The US manufacturer pledged this year to turn around its safety culture after a door panel blew out of an Alaska Airlines 737 Max plane in mid-air in January.

Boeing had been trying to ramp up production of the 737 Max, its bestselling model, to move beyond the crisis triggered by two deadly crashes in 2018 and 2019. 737 Max planes were grounded worldwide for the best part of two years.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at 100 Percent Fed Up.

View the original article here.


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