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Biden Cancels Billions More School Debt

I have great news for you!

That is, if you’re one of the 317,000 art students that attended The Art Institutes.

Biden just forgave $6.1 billion dollars to those that attended that school.

So, if that’s you, feel free to shop for soy milk and tofu burgers with reckless abandon! Your college tuition is cancelled! So you should have extra pocket money.

But if anyone reading this isn’t dedicated to modern ugly art and hasn’t attended that school, then this probably isn’t the greatest news.

“Hey, that’s harsh! Modern art is not ugly!”

Actually, that is it’s defining characteristic.

Beauty is (I’m sorry to burst your bubble) not in the eye of the beholder.

It’s pure and simple mathematics. And it’s this:

A ratio of 1:1.618.

There’s no debating it.

I’ll elaborate more at the end of this article for anyone that cares to find out more.

But I digress, Biden just payed off their loan.

Seems like a lot of money to be allocated to such a small and specific group of students.

MSN reports:

The Biden administration is forgiving $6.1 billion in student debt for 317,000 people who attended The Art Institutes, a for-profit chain of schools that shut down last fall amid allegations of fraud.

The latest effort represents President Joe Biden’s plan to tackle the nation’s $1.7 trillion in student debt after the Supreme Court last year blocked his administration’s plan for broad-based college loan forgiveness.

The Art Institutes, which operated branches in cities including Atlanta, Fort Worth, New York and Tampa, shut down permanently in September after the Department of Education found it had misrepresented its graduates’ employment rates and salaries.

Hundreds of thousands of students had taken out billions in loans to attend the schools, but “got little but lies in return,” U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona said in a statement on Wednesday.

“We must continue to protect borrowers from predatory institutions — and work toward a higher education system that is affordable to students and taxpayers,” Cardona added.

In a separate statement, Mr. Biden said his administration has forgiven $29 billion in debt for 1.6 million students “whose colleges took advantage of them, closed abruptly or were covered by related court settlements.”

In conjunction with its previously announced debt relief, the Biden administration said it has forgiven a total of more than $160 billion for nearly 4.6 million borrowers, a number that includes today’s announcement.

In the case of The Art Institutes, the Education Department’s investigation found that the company falsely claimed that 80% of its graduates found jobs in their fields of study within six months of graduation. In reality, the figure never rose above 57%, the department said.

The school also allegedly misrepresented its graduates’ earnings and annualized the estimated incomes of grads who were in temporary jobs. For example, One campus included the annual income of tennis star Serena Williams, who had attended the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, in calculating grads’ average income, the department said.

Hang on, I just got an update from hyena Harris.

$160 billion?

I don’t know if I buy that.

I see headlines from last year that say:

Supreme Court strikes down Biden student-loan forgiveness program

They might do this again.


I try to give you bonuses when I think they fit.

And for today’s bonus, it’s about The Golden Ratio.

When regarding faces, it is used to determine the most ideal and balanced proportion.

Regarding art, it is also similar, getting the painting or sculpture to have a balance, that is pleasant to the eyes. (The above examples are clearly not balanced and are an eyesore. It’s easy to deduce they have strayed from the Golden Ratio.

The further one strays from that ratio, the less beautiful the person or art appears.

And because it proves the concept of beauty, more for some than others, how do you think liberals and feminist view it since it proves so much of what they embrace to be, in fact, ugly?

Yeah, they hate it and claim ‘It’s not real! It’s a myth!’

Here’s a doctor using it help shape women’s faces:

And this next clip just goes to show, that even if you’re ranked #1 in regards to this ratio, the content of your character can still mar people’s perception of your beauty.

I don’t know who this guy is, but he has a high ratio:


This guy tapped into it!

It’s amazing!

The blueprint of God’s creation is amazing!


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