Happy Sunday!
And I am so glad to say we have our good friend Pastor Robb back!
From Pastor Robb, here is more on today’s message:
Good day to everyone here on WeLoveTrump! Here is today’s Sunday message titled The Proclamations of the LORD.
In today’s message, we will discuss what the proclamations are.
There are many different types of proclamations described in the bible, So we will take a look at a few of them today. The one of the most important ones is the proclamation of Prayer and Fasting.
We will discuss this one in great detail today. I want to ask everyone and to remind each of you to please continue to pray for our real President Donald Trump.
This man truly needs our prayers more than ever. It’s truly hard to imagine the evil that has been planned against him by the democrats and the liberal libtard’s. Thank you very much for taking the time to do this.
ADVERTISEMENTIt is of the utmost importance. Please enjoy today’s message as it will encourage you in a great way. Thank you for bearing with me as I have recently been ill.
I really appreciate all of your prayers and i’m grateful for all of them. The lord has given me his strong spirit and I will not ever quit.
I will serve him continually until I take my last breath. The Lord is so very faithful to his servants. Thank you all so very much!
I love each and everyone of you. Please let Noah know how much you appreciate app of his hard work.
Please help to support what he is doing for all of us, ok?
Love & Blessings,
Pastor Robb Goodman Sr Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship USA.
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