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You Really Telling Me This Guy Isn’t Playing Joe Biden?

Look, I’m not here to promote “conspiracy theories” or to say all big names have been arrested and shipped to GITMO or are replaced by robots or clones.

I’m not going there.

But I am saying this….

I DARE YOU to watch this clip below of Dana Carvey doing a Joe Biden impression and tell me that doesn’t sound EXACTLY like what we hear from “The (r)esident” on a daily basis.

I know Dana Carvey is talented, but this is identical.

That’s all I’m saying, you can draw any conclusion you want from there.

I’m just saying this is UNCANNY.

Watch and *listen* here:


A couple backups if needed….


And another backup here:

I’m not saying it’s Dana Carvey or Jim Carrey, but I am saying this…..

The current guy they keep running out there as Joe Biden looks and sounds NOTHING like this guy (even accounting for aging):

Come on, man!


Or how about this…is this really the same guy?

I will also say this….you truly have no idea how advanced Mask Technology is right now.

Check this out:


So there you go.

That’s all I’m saying.


Judge for yourself and let me know what you think in the comments!

Oh, and if you want to go much deeper, I can do that for you…

Actor Playing Joe Biden Revealed?

Actor Playing Joe Biden Revealed?

Stick with me on this one....

You know we do our homework around here, so let me explain what I'm looking at here before you judge.

So I saw this TikTok video floating around and I admit it sometimes I'm a sucker for this stuff so I went ahead and watched to see what this guy was saying.

Watch for yourself and then allow me to explain more below:

So basically he says there is an actor playing Joe Biden and his IMDB page even lists that role in his credits.

Ok, so that's interesting, but if you've been with us for a while you know we don't cover the news based on TikTok videos.

We actually do REAL research around here....

Real Fact-Checks!


So I was interested enough to do a little deeper dive, and that's where it did get interesting...

I'm still not entirely sure who Alex Collier is, but apparently he is the guy who named "Arthur Roberts" as the man playing Joe Biden in a face mask:

Ok, but again we don't cover the news based on TikToks or Tweets....I need to see actual research.

But again, I was intrigued.

Then I found the link to the IMDB page that supposedly lists the role of "Joe Biden" in this actor's credits:

That link is:

And if you go to that link you get this:

In other words, the page never existed or has been taken down:

Now, here's where it got very interesting for me!

You see, there's a really cool tool out there called the Wayback Machine.

It's basically a big giant history of the entire Internet!

That's why I always say the Internet is written in ink, because it is.

And using that tool, I was able to find an archived version of that website ( which shows this page:

So it actually DID exist!

There it is right there:  Arthur Roberts playing the role of "Joe Biden" in "Joe Biden Sworn in as US President on Inauguration Day 2021".


So we know (1) the page DID exist, and (2) it has since been deleted.

I also find it interesting that the "movie" appears to have 14 reviews too, which means this had been up for a while -- enough time for 14 people to give it a review.

So, what's the result of this Fact Check?

Well, I'd say Fact-Check CONFIRMED, with one caveat....

I do believe IMDB is editable, similar maybe to Wikipedia.

So the page existed, that is a proven fact, but it remains unclear who put it up in the first place and whether or not they were authorized to do so.

Either way, it's fascinating!

Here's more:

Speaking of "actors" playing Joe Biden, this happened a few weeks ago and seems VERY relevant right now:

VIDEO: Actor Playing Joe Biden Body Double Caught Walking To Car Without Secret Service Protection?

File this one under "I report, you decide".

A video is circulating online and I'm just going to show it to you and let you make up your own mind about what we're seeing.

I'll say this....

I cannot confirm when this was recorded.

I cannot confirm who recorded it or who first uploaded it.

I cannot confirm whether this was staged or captured "organically" out in the open.

I cannot confirm who the man is that appears to look like Biden.

I cannot confirm if this is a Deep Fake, although I think we can rule that out.

Deep Fakes are usually much more clear and easier to see.

I would say this is either 100% real and we just saw one of the Biden Actors/Body Doubles or it's a big old fake.

I'll let you decide:

From Chuck Callesto:

What jumped out to me immediately was how spryly he's moving.

He moves like a 40 year old, not like a decrepit Joe Biden.

This guy was almost dancing in the street and then even walking backwards:

He gets called out as a Body Double and appears to acknowledge and confirm it.

I see zero Secret Service protection.

Have the theories been true all along?

We've been reporting on this since 2020....something clearly has not been right.

Does this now confirm it?

And it's not like Biden is the only person who suddenly has what appears to be an Actor or Body Double.

Has anyone seen the REAL Fetterman in months?

He went into that Rehab and as best I can tell he never came out:

Now let's examine ALL the evidence we've seen since 2020....

Or at least a lot of it.

Starting here:

VIDEO FOUND: Fake Biden Inauguration? Military Funeral?

Yesterday I brought you an investigation titled "Is Joe Biden...Dead?"

I know that might sound crazy at first, but we follow the evidence here.

And the evidence is really starting to make me wonder what is going on.

No, I'm not in the camp of the people who claim everyone was rounded up and executed in Gitmo and they're now replaced by drones.

That's not where I'm going with this.

Truth is, I don't KNOW what's going on, but I do know when things just don't look right.

I do know when the evidence is leading me to a very different conclusion than what the MSM is trying to convince me is true.

Do your eyes deceive you?

Do you possess critical thinking skills?

If so, you might find yourself agreeing with me that you don't know exactly WHAT is going on here, but you do know that it's definitely not what they're telling you.

So let's dig in to the 21 Gun Military Funeral that Biden received (instead of the 4 Cannon Presidential Inauguration Salute)...

I've found a couple videos you need to see.

Also, the Biden Inauguration Wreath is very off!

Did you know that?

I had never seen this before, but I'll show you.

Start here with the full video of what is a Military Funeral, not a Presidential Inauguration:

And then go here...

More details are off:

The more you dig, the more the dots simply do not connect.

Something strange is going on here.

And if you missed our report yesterday, keep reading for a deep dive:

Is Joe Biden...Dead?

Ok, ok....calm down.

Yes, this is Noah here, your faithful reporter.

Yes, I'm here reporting on FACTS.

Yes, that headline is a bit aggressive, but I'm prepared to back it up.

Ok, so can we all take a big deep breath before we dive in?

[...BIG BREATH...]

...and let it out.....

Ok, good!

Now let's get serious.

Because longtime readers of WLTReport know I don't run any of that nonsense here how Hillary and Biden and all the rest are all dead, executed at Gitmo, and replaced by Clones.

Sorry, I'm not running that story.

But I *DO* report on facts and I do report on things that just don't quite make sense.

And that's what this article is about.

So holler and scream if you want, and put as many comments down below that you want, but I'm going to peel back the onion and we're going to just put some of this on the table and see what YOU think...

So here is a guy I like and who I've covered before many times, Derek Johnson.

Here is Derek pointing out a couple things....three, in fact.

First: why did Joe Biden's signature change (that's true and that's a confirmed fact).

Second: why did his face change?  Just look at his damn face man, is that the same guy?

Third: remember the 3 Cannon salute Biden received?  That is a Military Funeral.

I'm going to dig deep into each of those three topics and while I can't say if the real Joseph Robinette Biden is alive or dead, I will say each one of these is supported strongly in fact.

So eventually, how many do you need to see before you realize something is wrong?  Something is very, very wrong here?

Let's do the 3 Cannon salute first.

It turns out a Presidential Inauguration is a Military Funeral Salute are VERY similar.

But different.

Take a look:

I actually covered this extensively back in January of 2021:

Joe Biden Did NOT Get a 21-Gun Salute, He Got The Salute For Funerals and Visiting Foreign Dignitaries!

This is REALLY interesting....

My friend Daniel posted this today:

[Tweet Deleted]

And here's a zoom in so you can read that better:

I didn't know much about it and I don't like to publish things unless I can confirm them myself, so I started looking into it and I found it appears to be 100% true!

Now I know we have a lot of military that read WeLoveTrump, and this is only based on the research I can find, so I'd love to hear from some experts to know if you agree or disagree.

But here's what I'm seeing...

From Wikipedia:

Today, a 21-gun salute is rendered on the arrival and departure of the President of the United States; it is fired in concordance with four ruffles and flourishes, which are immediately followed by "Hail to the Chief"—the actual gun salute begins with the first ruffle and flourish, and 'run long' (i.e. the salute concludes after "Hail to the Chief" has ended). A 21-gun salute is also rendered to former U.S. Presidents, foreign Heads of State (or members of a reigning royal family), as well as to Presidents-elect. In such a ceremony, the national anthem of the visiting dignitary's country is played, following the salute.


A gun salute is not to be confused with the three-volley salute often rendered at military funerals.

Ok, so here is the salute Biden and Harris got:

Backup on Rumble:

That sure does look like THREE cannons to me, not FOUR.

And they are firing in slow, 10-second delay, succession.

That is definitely not four guns firing in rapid succession.

Here's what people were saying online (and then scroll down to see the Salute Trump got):

So....what should it have looked like?

Well, here is what Trump got in 2017.

It looks a LOT different:

Backup on Rumble:

Of course you immediately notice FOUR cannons, not three.

And they are firing one right after the other, not a slow 10 second delay.

Here is another one for Trump:

So what does all of this mean?

Is it because the Military does not respect Biden?

Does not view him as their rightful president?

Or perhaps signaling the upcoming "funeral" of his so-called presidency?

Or perhaps implying he is not the head of the United States and more closely related to, oh I don't know....China?

Or....all of the above?

If you have expertise in this area, comment below and let me know if this is accurate.

Now let's go to #2 -- why did his signature change?

Because it DID change.

Take a look:

Why Did Joe Biden's Signature Change?

Got a very interesting FACT CHECK for you...

Actually, what's interesting is the complete lack of a Fact-Check on this one by the MSM.

Maybe even those lying bastards couldn't figure out a lie to explain away this one?

I'd better calm down, I'm already getting fired up and I'm only 4 sentences in to this article...

So the explanation here is pretty simple.

It's something we've covered before but since no explanation has been given it seems like a good idea to cover it again and get some more attention on this.

Why did Joe Biden's signature dramatically change after he was (s)Elected President?

Here's what I mean:

More here:

And one more here:

Don't just trust the Internet or Twitter, go check it out for yourself.

Just do this:

Some speculate that "Dr" Jill Biden is writing his name for him:


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