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Epstein Island Visitors TRACKED By Military-Industrial Wireless Firm, Only A Matter Of Time Before They’re EXPOSED?

Well, this is a glaring mistake. I guess these people weren’t so bright, or they suffered from extreme hubris.

According to a new report from WIRED Magazine, visitors to Epstein’s island made the careless mistake of bringing their mobile devices to the secluded enclave of the global elite.

Those mobile devices were tracked by Near Intelligence, a firm with ties to the military-industrial complex, and the data has now been leaked to WIRED.

Names, addresses, passports, and various ID numbers were all revealed in the leak.

However, we do not yet have access to the raw data, and online sleuths have not yet acquired and sorted through the location tracking data.

That being said, it is only a matter of time before the online community somehow gets a hold of the data and begins revealing the names associated with the tracking information.

Tick tock. Time is running out for those who visited Epstein’s island. Here’s what we currently know:


WIRED broke the story:

The data on Epstein’s guests was produced using an intelligence platform formerly known as Vista, which has now been folded into a product called Pinnacle.

WIRED discovered several so-called Vista reports while examining Pinnacle’s publicly accessible code.

While the specific URLs for the reports are difficult to find, Google’s web crawlers were able to locate at least two other publicly accessible Vista reports: one geofencing the Westfield Mall of the Netherlands and another targeting Saipan-Ledo Park in El Paso, Texas.

The Little St. James report features five maps, one of which reveals locations of devices observed on the island over more than three years prior to Epstein’s arrest.

Shadow of Ezra pointed out and asked: “Visitors to Jeffrey Epstein’s private island has been leaked by a data broker.

This data includes names, addresses, and in some cases, even passport numbers. 200 mobile devices of people who visited Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious “pedophile island” in the years prior to his “death” left an invisible trail of data pointing back to their own homes and offices.

166 locations throughout the US shows where the visitors to Little St. James likely lived and worked. Cities in Ukraine, the Cayman Islands, Australia, Florida, Massachusetts, Texas, Michigan, and New York.

The coordinates in Massachusetts came directly from gated communities in Martha’s Vineyard. Who lives in Martha’s Vineyard?”

Quartz concluded:

For years, privacy advocates have warned that the data brokerage industry is a civil liberties nightmare that threatens the very basic tenets of personal digital autonomy.

This story would seem to hammer that point home. Jeffrey Epstein’s island is alleged to have been a secret haven for the misdeeds of the wealthy and the powerful.

Yet somehow a private company found location data which, under the right circumstances, could be used to unmask the visitors to that super private island.


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