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WATCH: Ben Shapiro Changes Tune, Makes Surprise Announcement

Conservative commentator and Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro seems to have finally changed his tune on President Trump.

The media host announced that he is not only voting for President Trump in November but will also be hosting a fundraiser for the former President in one week.

This represents a complete 180 from Shapiro’s traditional stance on the former President.

Shapiro’s endorsement also comes at a time when his popularity among MAGA conservatives is dwindling and he comes under fire from the likes of Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, and others.

Take a look at his recent announcement, and let me know if you think Shapiro’s endorsement is positive or negative for the MAGA movement:

Shapiro recently came under fire for suggesting the retirement age be raised after President Trump suggested cuts to social welfare spending, USA Today reports:

Noted podcaster and conservative thought leader Ben Shapiro said on his show Tuesday, “It’s insane that we haven’t raised the retirement age in the United States.”

He continued: “No one in the United States should be retiring at 65 years old.

Frankly, I think retirement itself is a stupid idea unless you have some sort of health problem.

Everybody that I know who is elderly, who has retired, is dead within five years.”

Shapiro’s ringing endorsement of President Trump drew some criticism and distrust from MAGA patriots who believe Shapiro to be a plant.

The Associated Press confirmed that President Trump has already won the GOP nomination, does he need Shapiro’s fundraiser?

With wins in Georgia, Mississippi and Washington state, Trump surpassed the 1,215-delegate threshold needed to become the presumptive Republican nominee.

He’ll formally accept the nomination at the Republican National Convention in July.


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