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The Silver Lining In The Baffling Fani Willis Decision?

Fani Willis might be able to remain on this case, but is the victory merely a pyrrhic one?

Judge McAfee’s cowardly ruling ensures that one out of the two prosecutors in question can stay on the case.

Being the gentleman that he is, Nathan Wade has chosen to go.

This leaves us with Fani Willis, but does she really have a reason to celebrate? Sure, she got what she wanted but at a tremendous cost—an unsustainable cost.

Willis’ reputation as a prosecutor has been utterly destroyed. Even if she continues her case against former President Trump, the case likely won’t stick.

Any jury present will take a good, hard look at Willis and judge her accordingly. News host Megyn Kelly spelled it out:

“Before this scandal was unearthed by defense attorney Ashley Merchant, things were rolling along for Fani W. She’s now been publicly humiliated and disgraced.

Her ethical & legal probs are only just beginning. I’m not at all confident she will try this case v Trump. She will be under multiple investigations by then.

She gets to remain on the case thx to a judge who pulled a cowardly John Roberts. But her probs are only beginning … and getting Wade off of this case is a superhuman feat by the defense.

He’s been outed (as has she) as a liar/schemer. So – not entirely what the defense wanted (or deserved) but still Team Trump is in much better shape today than 3 months ago in GA.”

Fox News confirmed Judge McAfee’s disastrous ruling:

McAfee ruled that an insufficient amount of evidence was provided to justify the removal of Willis outright, but he ordered Wade must be fired for the district attorney to continue without the “appearance of impropriety” — otherwise Willis must step down.

Virtually all notable conservative pundits, influencers, and news personalities spoke out against the baffling decision handed down by Judge McAfee.

According to The Hill, Willis’ legal troubles are just beginning:

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) threatened possible contempt proceedings against Georgia’s Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) over a subpoena requesting information about her use of federal funds.


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