Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself.
But Patrick Byrne almost did.
Kill Epstein, that is.
Confused yet?
I know, this is a bizarre one, even for Patrick Byrne who sets the bizarre bar VERY high.
I’ve got the video clip for you below so you can hear it in his own words, but Patrick Byrne talks about how he had this plan to “swim up” to Epstein Island and then get on the Island, find Jeffrey, and kill him.
He describes pondering several different means for how he would accomplish all of that.
Ultimately, we all know Byrne did not kill Epstein (at least not on that Island) and he explains he had to abandon the plan after he learned the Island was full of cameras everywhere.
Because THAT was the big flaw in his plan….cameras.
Not the swimming out to the Island part or the killing part. All of that would have been find but for the cameras…..
Oh my.
Big shout out to my friend The Digital Asset Investor for finding this clip, and his comment basically sums up how we all feel:
👀👀👀What the Actual F*** Did I Just Hear???👀👀👀
— Digital Asset Investor (@digitalassetbuy) March 15, 2024
Backup video here if needed:
Patrick Byrne claims he planned to swim up to Epstein Island and kill Jeffrey Epstein.
— (@DailyNoahNews) March 15, 2024
The clip appears to come from this interview, uploaded 2 months ago:
Patrick Byrne reveals his personal dealings with Epstein, what he suspects compromised Bill Barr & more. He also encourages more efforts to organize and unite to save America.
ADVERTISEMENTWatch “Counter Narrative with Kristi Leigh” M-F at 8pm EST : AMPNews.US
Backup video here:
Watch Patrick Byrne drop some truth bombs about Jeffrey Epstein. What happened in June 2020?
— End RINOs (@End_RINOs) January 9, 2024
Here is the transcript of the interview from YouTube:
I should I should confess that Jeffreyreached out to me a couple months beforehe got arrested he reached out to me andwanted me to come to his Island met thatintermediary on July 30th and he told meBill bar I’ve never made this publicit’s this stuff public before but hemade Billbar he came to see me July 30th of 2020and he had some information instructionsforme uh he um but among the things wetalked about he said that bill bar isgoing up to New York next week and he’smeeting with rert Murdoch of fox andthey have three hours set aside andthey’re just going to have a privatemeeting now he told me that that wasabout to[Music]happen welcome in Patrick burn so happyto finally get a chance to talk to you Iit’s like I’ve had so many otheracquaintances that have had the pleasureof speaking with you but I haven’tmyself so honored to have you hereChristy Lee I feel like I’ve made thebig time thank you very much for havingme on your show you and I can tell yousome I can tell you some things aboutabout uh Jeffrey Upstream that no oneknows if you want to drop make some newsof course I mean that seems to be themajor headl I should I should confessthat Jeffrey reached out to me a couplemonths before he got arrested he reachedout to me and wanted me to come to hisIsland but before I tell you before Itell you thatstory uh no the other thing I was in barin I was in communication with Bar’soffice while all this stuff went downand he died and I was told by somebodyin Bar’s office that the the jailers theguards remember the guards who fellasleep I was told by somebody within theDepartment of Justice that those guardshad their blood tested in the morningand there were traces of I don’t know ifit was nitrous oxide vum or whatever butsomebody had gotten into the prison theybelieved with a tank fed a hose throughthe airconditioning into the guard boothcranked it up and put them to sleep withsome some gas I don’t know if it’slaughing gas or there’s some kind of gaswith volume in it that is kind ofroughly harmless that can do this andthat’s what they found in the blood ofthese guards then they got in what theyreally did is it was believed withintheir doj was there was a there’sanother guy another prisoner it was adirty cop right there in that cell blockand this monstrous Italian guy benchpressed like 500 lbs and they just undidhis door and opened up Jeffrey’s door hewould have left his room gone in andiced Jeffrey come back and and all thecameras were off of course and theguards were asleep because they’ beengassed and all of that tells you ifthat’s all true and those people fromthe doj gave me the true informationthat tells you it’s nation state that’stell nation states are involved whenwhen people are sneaking in gas tanksinto a corre into a prison and andputting guards to sleep and getting awaywithout being caught and hacking camerasand stuff there’s Nation States involvedthat’s not the Gambino family what doyou think is the motivation of Bill barthough to cover these things up I meanit was also really quick to be like ohthere’s no evidence speaking of the noevidence line of uh anything wrong withthe election I mean what is hismotivation well bar was on our sideuntil the summer of 2020 and there helost his nerve I can tell you that muchbar took the job I know the person whooffered bar the job and that person toldwho was in The White House as he steppedout of the meeting when session steppeddown and went out and called Bill barand said would you like us to throw yourname in the Hat and he said bar thoughtabout it for about 10 seconds I saidyeah do it if I come back it’ll just beto burn the agency system down theagency system is taken over Hol hastaken over Hollywood DC by thethree-letter agencyhowever he was back for a year and ahalf and we were in communicationthrough an outside party and he startedsending me messages by the spring of2020 for something that needed to bedone and he was saying if if we’re notsuccessful you and I Patrick are goingto be meeting next summer meaning thesummer of 2021 we’re going to be meetingin a FEMA camp he sent me that messagein June of 2020 of June of 2020 so heknew there was a color Revolution heknew something terribly was a Miss hehad meinvestigating and going after certainthings and he sent me that message soall that’s true and yet I’ll also tellyou that I met that intermediary on July30th and he told me Bill bar I’ve nevermade this public it’s this stuff publicbefore but he made Billbar he came to see me July 30th of 2020and he had some information instructionsfor meuh he um but among the things we talkedabout he said that bill bar is going upto New York next week and he’s meetingwith rert Murdoch of fox and they havethree hours set aside and they’re justgonna have a private meeting now he toldme that that was about to happen he gotkilled the next day now he got killed ina plane crash that I understand the fedsare on the fence about whether it was uhthere’s an explanation for the planeClash but I understand there are peoplewithin the government who think it wasRake but he came the day after he saw mehe was killed and was when he was goingto see someone who worked for me uh andI can tell you that about two weekslater if you think back it was aboutAugust 20th of 2020 Fox did an aboutface and people noticed this at the timeit wasn’t like they became anti-trumpbut they became much less prot Trump andthey they just damned with faint praiseand they really backed off and then ofcourse the night of the election theycalled Arizona way you know ridiculouslyearly so rertMurdoch uh and fox and that then theythey made that change if those factsline up it’s like bar did an about faceon when that friend that Mutual persongot killed and by a week or two later hewas calling Fox off and ever since thenI can tell you I was in touch with hisoffice right up to the election and onthe election they said we don’t want toknow anything about this election if youwe don’t want to hear about it callthe US attorney of each state if youhave information don’t talk to us andthen when you called the US attorneysthey wouldn’t take the call and thewhole doj shut it down and there’s a dojInsider who said uh bar bar gave thoseorders so something happened around theend of July 2020 bar flip sides that maybe more than you wanted to know aboutbar what else did you want to know aboutbut no one it’s just hard to believethat that they could be that spinelessthat they could you know when it comestocountry you know even if his life wasthreatened I mean this is is our countrylike the exposure like putting light onthings is the way that you fix them notjust cowering in a corner you’re a womanyou’re a woman do you have childrenchildren you think about thingscorrectly you think about that issuecorrectly that’s exactly the right wayto analyze it the way people inWashington analyze it is they’ve got allkinds of other things in their headgoing on and all kinds of other threatsbeing made you want so bar so uh Jeffreyuh Epstein’s guards had some kind oftraces of valium or something in theirbloodstream they had been gassed and putto sleep and that’s why they fell asleepat 3 in the morning you want to know whywhat about EP Jeffrey colum waned me outto his Ranch out to his Island yes andyou didn’t accept I did not go but Ikind of teased him because I know here’sthe funny thing about Jeffrey Epsteinand everyone gets so upset today a pieceof me wonders exactly how are people soupset now everything about JeffreyEpstein was known back in 2008 I read awebsite called Zero Hedge which is forNew York hedge funds great outsidemainstream and they they were publishingall they were publishing all thesedocuments in ‘0708 about Jeffrey Epstein gettingcaught with 14-year-old you know he wasinto 14-year-old black and like wellminority girls had a separate entranceon his house in Miami bring them in dohis thing came 100 bucks this was allknown in 0708 he got convicted for sexwith a 14-year-old in 2008 so this allkind of sprung up later but anyway no heuh so I knew it was all about blackmailand I Knew by 2019 was the wi winter of2019 someone started to come see meactually I was speaking at a conferencedown in Mexico and a guy I didn’t reallyknow well came to the conference andmade a point over two or three days ofintersecting me with with me four orfive times and in the course ofconversation bringing up hey you knowwhat Jeffrey Epstein is a friend of mineand he really wants to meet you Pat hereally wants to you to come out to hisIsland you should see don’t believe whatpeople say about him he’s really closewith Bill Gates he drops all these bignames he’s got this incredible tradingroom you got to say and he really thinksyou’re smart Pat he wants you to go outto see him and I didn’t want to say noof I mean I didn’t want to tell him myreasons for saying no but I said no overthree days he came to see me a monthlater this Emissary from JeffreyEpstein and spent a weekend with me andhis wife and and in over the weekendagain found like four differentopportunities to bring up boy Pat you’rereally missing you got to get out andsee Jeffrey and I got and you meet thisguy you’re gonna love him and I gotthinking about
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