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Why Are They Still Counting Ballots In The California Senate Primary Race?

Remember how elections used to be ONE day?

And you knew the results that night?

It’s funny, it’s kind of like the Moon Landings (and no, I’m not going to go down that rabbit hole in this article) but back in 1969 we allegedly landed men on the Moon multiple times using less computing power that we all now carry around in our pockets with our iPhones.

And yet over 50 years later and now with technology coming out our ears, we can’t seem to get back to the Moon anymore.

NASA says we can’t go because we “lost that technology”.  True story!  Here’s the clip:

And it feels exactly the same with voting.

Back when we had only pencils and paper, the results were announced by Walter Cronkite on the evening news (just as he announced the Moon Landings).

But now?


Now we are still counting multiple days later!

Check this out, when I saw this post from my friend MJ Truth, I couldn’t believe it could be true:

So I checked it myself and here’s a screenshot from 5pm CDT on March 14, 2024 — I circled the key part: only 91% of the votes are in!!

Folks….Super Tuesday was NINE DAYS AGO at this point.

Where are the remaining 9% of votes?

And is this a prelude to how it’s going to go in November?


The page I am watching is this one if you want to check for yourself:

Maybe the reason it’s taking so long is because they’re still trying to figure THIS out? 👇

Did They Steal Votes From Steve Garvey LIVE On TV?

Did They Steal Votes From Steve Garvey LIVE On TV?

Did we just witness votes being taken away from one candidate and given to the other?

Live on TV?

In other words, did we just witness this happen again?

Oh what an iconic image!


They say a picture is worth 1,000 words and that one picture sums up the entire 2020 election.

But did we just witness it happen again?

MJ Truth on Twitter thinks so and he shows you on video.

Take a look at this:

Backup video here:

And on Rumble here:

So what is going on?


I've watched that video probably 10 times now.

You can see not only do they trade places (which would be normal) and not only do the percentages change (which could be normal) but Garvey's total votes GO DOWN (which seems impossible).

As of press time of this article, there is NO Community Note on MJ Truth's post, which really only means the Far-Lefties who try to dominate Community Notes either haven't found this one yet or haven't been able to come up with an excuse yet.

Scrolling through the comments I did see my man Shawn Farash (Captain Deplorable!) commented on a possible explanation:

So what do you think?

Just a typo?

Just a fat-finger?

Or did they steal votes?


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