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WATCH: Biden Asks Permission From Handlers To Take Questions

Biden was filmed recently in New Hampshire speaking to a small crowd. As he looks to be wrapping up his talk, he asks his staff if he’s allowed to take questions.

People laugh, thinking Sleepy Joe is cracking a joke.

Biden clearly looks confused while trying to assess whether any staff is around to answer his simple request.

Watch the clip here:

After asking if there is any staff around to reply to his inquiry, someone can be heard talking off-camera, saying something about “the cards” and thanking Biden for being so polite as to ask if he’s allowed to speak.

Who is really calling the shots in this administration?

Whoever is pulling the strings, they certainly don’t have to worry about Biden realizing it.

At the recent SOTU address, some praised Biden for not coming off as senile.

They pointed toward that speech as proof Biden is fully coherent.

But they can’t juice him up with whatever he had that night for every speaking event.

And time and time again when he speaks, Biden comes off as a dawdling fool.

It’s high time for Trump to be back in the White House.


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