Super Tuesday has been an incredible night so far for President Trump, who has been racking up victory after victory as he continues to dominate Nikki Haley in the biggest day of primary season.
But, the results of Super Tuesday have also revealed something stunning that might be even bigger news than President Trump’s winning-streak.
This story has been flying under the radar, with left-wing outlets not wanting to give it too much attention or focus on what it means for the 2024 election.
As it turns out, primary voters in MULTIPLE states believe Joe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election.
That’s according to Super Tuesday exit polls conducted by major news outlets, including CNN and NBC!
See for yourself:
STUNNING: More exit polls from MULTIPLE States show majority and super-majority of people do not believe Biden legitimately won in 2020!!!
— Noah Christopher (@DailyNoahNews) March 6, 2024
JUST IN: ⚠️ Polling out of North Carolina reveals 60% of voters believe Biden DID NOT legitimately win the 2020 election..
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) March 6, 2024
So, what does this mean?
Well, it seems to me like the American people aren’t buying the official 2020 election narrative…
It must be hard for the MSN to have to admit all the work they put in to creating fake news hasn’t worked as well as they probably believed…
The people have spoken, and the truth cannot be hidden any longer.
Just look at these exit poll results from CNN:
CNN EXIT POLL: Do you think Biden legitimately won in 2020? (GOP Primary voters)
Yes — 45%
No — 46%
North Carolina
Yes — 34%
No — 60%
South Carolina
Yes — 36%
No — 61%New Hampshire
Yes — 46%
No — 51%
Yes — 29%
No — 66%— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) March 5, 2024
And, another from NBC:
NBC EXIT POLL – VIRGINIA: Do you approve of Biden's job as president?
Trump voters
Yes 1%
No 97%Haley voters
Yes 48%
No 51%
Who did you vote for?Conservative
Trump 73% (+47)
Biden 26%Moderate
Haley 68% (+38)
Trump 30%Men: Trump 60/38
Women: Trump 54/43
30-44: Trump…— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) March 5, 2024
CNN reported on Super Tuesday exit poll’s findings in Virginia and North Carolina — the first two states Trump won tonight:
Roughly 6 in 10 North Carolina GOP primary voters baselessly deny that President Joe Biden’s 2020 election win was legitimate, as do close to half of Virginia voters. Across all of the states of the GOP primary this year where entrance and exit polls have been conducted – including Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina – none has seen a majority of the GOP electorate willing to acknowledge the results of the 2020 election.
The Washington Examiner commented on what this means for Biden:
Biden hedges much of his presidential strategy on presenting himself as a centrist candidate, looking to win the support of many disaffected Republicans. Results from Tuesday showed a significant portion of Republicans are completely out of his reach, whether or not they’re unsatisfied with Trump.
When asked if Biden legitimately won the 2020 presidential election, 46% of GOP primary voters in Virginia said no, compared to just 45% who said yes, according to CNN. In North Carolina, 60% of such voters said no, compared to 34% who said yes.
The report also showed Republican primary voters in New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Iowa to be doubtful of Biden’s 2020 victory.
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