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BREAKING: Missouri Republican Caucus Results Are In

President Trump dominated the Missouri Republican caucuses.

The Associated Press called the race early on Saturday afternoon after early caucusgoers showed no interest in Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley.

At the time of this writing, 27% of the vote is in and Trump has garnered 100% of the vote!

Take a look:

Despite losing another state, Haley has made it clear she will remain in the race until Super Tuesday, which is on March 5th.

Here’s what Fox News reported:

Donald Trump will win the Missouri Republican caucuses, the Associated Press projects, delivering yet another victory for the former president against former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley.

The Associated Press called the race for Trump early Saturday afternoon. The former president was expected to cruise to victory after big wins in every contest prior to Saturday.

After her loss in her home state of South Carolina, Haley vowed to remain in the race at least through Super Tuesday on March 5, where voters in 15 states will head to the polls to make their choice for president.

Even though Trump is the clear winner of the state, Missouri awards 51 of its 54 delegates through a months-long process called a “caucus-convention system” that only begins with Saturday’s caucusing.

Per Yahoo News:

Former President Donald Trump won the Missouri caucuses Saturday afternoon, inching his way closer to a formal grasp of the party’s nomination for president.

Two other states were also holding Republican elections Saturday: Idaho and Michigan. But none of them were primaries. All were caucuses, which limit turnout by requiring participants to arrive at a specific time and usually to stay for a certain period to participate in a more formal process.

Caucus specifics vary from state to state, but they usually involve hearing speeches and then casting a vote.

The Associated Press called Missouri for Trump at 12:40 p.m. ET.


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