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Joe Biden Desperately Tries To Avoid Falling Over In The Wind While Visiting The Border

In an attempt to ensure the public that his administration takes the current border situation seriously, Biden was filmed taking a stroll in Brownsville, Texas for a photo-op.

Well, not a stroll really.

More of a shuffle.

As Biden “walked” with security officials along a barren stretch of the southern border he can be seen struggling to stand.

It will never cease to amaze me how Biden’s handlers think these photo-ops are going to be well received every time.

Because every time, people end up having a laugh at how apparent it is that Biden isn’t even capable of knowing where he is going these days.


President Trump was also at the border today but in the much more relevant Eagle’s Pass, where hundreds of thousands of migrants have illegally entered the country in the last few months.

And he was walking just fine.

Illegal aliens are beating up cops in broad daylight, murdering nursing students, and committing various other theft-related crimes in major cities across America.

Yet, Biden’s administration continues to mew that the mere acknowledgment of that is racist and xenophobic.

But Americans are tired of what they’ve been seeing as a response to this current invasion.

Our friends at Fox News reported previously on the upcoming visit from the embarrassment in chief:

President Biden’s visit to the U.S.-Mexico border on Thursday reflects his wishful thinking on the issue, arriving at one of the least-trafficked towns on the border.

Biden will visit Brownsville, Texas, which ranks as the 29th-most trafficked town by illegal border-crossers, according to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Former President Trump, meanwhile, is set to hold a competing visit to the border, though he will arrive at Eagle Pass, Texas, one of the most heavily-trafficked towns in the country.

Biden’s trip to Texas is an attempt to address his deep unpopularity on the issue, with a recent poll showing just 26% of Americans support his handling of the border.

CBP data shows that Brownsville has seen just 46 migrant encounters over the past five days, compared to 2,106 in Eagle Pass. The former averaged 17 migrant encounters per day in February, while the latter averaged 462.



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