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WATCH: Democrat Senator Says He Will ‘Support’ President Trump, But There’s A Catch…

There’s always a catch, isn’t there?

One prominent Democrat Senator has thrown his support behind President Trump and says he will ‘back’ him if he becomes President again in 2024, doing everything he can to ensure the next President succeeds.

Senator Joe Manchin, who has long been known as a maverick within his party, has deviated from Democrats in this regard and says he will actually work with President Trump.

However, Manchin says he will not vote for the former President—that’s it, that’s the catch.

Whether or not Manchin is telling the truth on this remains to be seen; he might vote for the former President and keep it a secret.

After all, Manchin has been slowly drifting away from the establishment Democrat Party for some time now. Many have suspected that he may even switch parties, though I find this unlikely. Here are Manchin’s full remarks to Fox News:


The Epoch Times shed more light on Manchin’s position:

Speaking to NPR, Mr. Manchin suggested President Biden and his campaign should tone down their “extreme” leftist leanings.

“How did he win in 2020? Look at the rhetoric that was used back then.

It’s not extreme. Everything that was said and everything he showed people was what he’d done through his experience being in the Senate and then being vice president,” he said.

Right Angle News Network presented this statement from Manchin: “I’ve had this conversation with him and with his people that he’s gone too far to the left. They’ve pushed him and pulled him and whatever, but that’s not where America is. That’s not where our country is.”

The Hill confirmed:

Cavuto then asked him he would use the same approach to former President Trump, the likely GOP nominee, if he was voted into a second term.

While the West Virginia senator acknowledged that he believed Trump’s rhetoric had become more “vengeful” lately, he said he would still support him if reelected.


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