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Jerry Seinfeld Screamed At In New York City — “Genocide Supporter”

The world is a confusing place these days….

Jerry Seinfeld has been one of the most beloved TV icons and comedians for decades now.

But even for Seinfeld, things are turning.


Because he’s Jewish.

And for what?

Supporting Genocide.

Crazy how fast things turn.

When I was growing up, the only Genocide we were taught was the 1940s Holocaust in Nazi Germany, and now just a few decades later its the Jews being accused of Genocide against a different group of people?

The world changes quickly.

See it here:

And here:

It looked to me as if Jerry initially went to wave at them and then realized they were not friendly.

Then he chose to wave anyway in order to not let them win.

Fox News has more detailed:

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld was met by angry, profane protesters as he was leaving an event in New York City with Free Press founder Bari Weiss.

“Genocide supporter, you support genocide!” protesters yelled at Seinfeld as he left an event on the Upper East Side on Saturday night, per footage shared by FNTV.

“F— you, you support genocide,” another protester yelled as Seinfeld left the venue.

“Nazi scum!” other demonstrators chanted.

“The small crowd of protesters rallied outside the community center that was hosting Weiss, who was giving the 92Y’s annual State of the World Jewry address,” The New York Post reported Monday.

What a strange world we live in….now the Jews are called Nazi scum?

That really escalated fast!


Jerry Seinfeld Shuts Down a “White Guilt” Reporter

So…What’s Going On With The Jews?


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