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BREAKING: FBI Informant Lied About Hunter Biden Story – Claims Russians Officials Pushed Story

The FBI informant who allegedly had information about a bribery scheme between Hunter Biden and a Ukrainian energy company admitted that he lied about the information.

The FBI informant, Alexander Smirnov, admitted to investigators that “Russian intelligence was involved in passing a story.”

This unexpected news is a massive blow to any impeachment against Biden or hopes of prosecuting Hunter Biden.

Smirnov is now being charged with making false statements and fictitious records.

The former informant is now being tracked via GPS and has had his passport removed to prevent him from fleeing the country.

The folks at Fox News share more:

A former FBI informant charged with lying about a multimillion-dollar bribery scheme between a Ukrainian energy company and the Bidens had contacts with Russian intelligence officials, prosecutors said Tuesday.

In court filings, prosecutors said Alexander Smirnov admitted during an interview before his arrest last week that “officials associated with Russian intelligence were involved in passing a story” about the president’s son, Hunter Biden. They said Smirnov’s contacts with Russian officials were recent and extensive, and said Smirnov had planned to meet with one official during an upcoming overseas trip.

They said Smirnov has had numerous contacts with a person he described as the “son of a former high-ranking government official” and “someone with ties to a particular Russian intelligence service.” They said there is a serious risk that Smirnov could flee overseas to avoid facing trial.

Prosecutors revealed the alleged contact as they urged a judge to keep Smirnov behind bars while he awaits trial.

Smirnov, who holds dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship, is charged with falsely reporting to the FBI in June 2020 that executives associated with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma paid Hunter and Joe Biden $5 million each in 2015 or 2016.

Smirnov had only routine business dealings with the company starting in 2017 and made the bribery allegations after he “expressed bias” against Joe Biden while he was a presidential candidate, prosecutors said. Special Counsel David Weiss said Smirnov’s lies were aimed at affecting the 2024 presidential election.

Joe and Hunter Biden just won the lottery, thanks to this guy.

If there are more shady business dealings with Biden, it will immediately be dismissed as Russian disinformation.

Fortunately, Republicans are still going forward with their impeachment inquiry and will still be interviewing Joe Biden’s brother, James, and Hunter Biden.

CNN shares more:

Of particular note is a story Smirnov allegedly told the FBI in September 2023, alleging that Hunter Biden was recorded making phone calls in a Kyiv hotel that is “wired” and “under the control of the Russians.” Federal agents said they knew Smirnov’s story was false because Hunter Biden has “never travelled to Ukraine.”

Smirnov told investigators Russian intelligence officers would use the hotel to intercept cell phone calls made by “prominent US persons,” prosecutors said, which the Russian government could use as “‘kompromat’ in the 2024 election, depending on who the candidates will be.” Kompromat is a Russian term that refers to compromising information used for blackmail.

The story, prosecutors noted, matches the story Smirnov told his handler about Hunter Biden being recorded in a foreign hotel.

“Thus, Smirnov’s efforts to spread misinformation about a candidate of one of the two major parties in the United States continues,” prosecutors wrote.

And, prosecutors wrote, Smirnov claims to have met with Russian intelligence officials as recently as November and December 2023.

“What this shows is that the misinformation he is spreading is not confined to 2020,” they wrote. “He is actively peddling new lies that could impact U.S. elections after meeting with Russian intelligence officials in November. In light of that fact there is a serious risk he will flee in order to avoid accountability for his actions.”

I, and many others, are still unconvinced that the Biden family is free of wrongdoing.

We’ll have to put our trust in Republicans to uncover any more secrets the Biden family is hiding.


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