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Is Nikki Haley Dropping Out? Rumors Swirl After ‘State of the Race’ Speech Announcement

Nikki Haley just announced that she will be giving a ‘State of the Race’ speech tomorrow, just days before the South Carolina primary.

Her speech is scheduled for 12 PM EST in Greenville, SC. She will “address the state of the presidential race.”

Take a look:

This latest campaign announcement has people speculating…

Is Nikki Haley finally dropping out?

After her humiliating loss in the Nevada primary to “none of the above”, it would make sense for Nimarata to save face and drop out ahead of her impending defeat in South Carolina, her home state…

But, some social media users have other theories on what her announcement will be tomorrow.

Could she be switching parties?

According to polls, Trump is up by as many as 30 points against Haley in her home state of South Carolina.

The Independent gave some insight into the challenges Nikki Haley’s struggling campaign faces ahead of the SC primary:

Nikki Haley needs to make something happen.

With the Nevada debacle in the rear view window — an embarrassing defeat to “none of these candidates” in a primary in which Donald Trump declined to participate, it’s officially time for his sole remaining challenger for the GOP nomination to prove that she’s still competitive in the literal sense, rather that just on cable news.

South Carolina is the arena. It’s by no means an ace in the hole, but the state where Ms Haley was governor for eight years is the place where she theoretically should be strongest. It has an open primary, meaning that independent voters can participate. And she’ll be back across the state this week, hitting campaign stops in Myrtle Beach, the Charleston suburbs, and a former steel town.

But don’t be surprised if this is the end.

A defeat in one’s home state is hard to walk away from: Marco Rubio couldn’t in 2016, when he dropped out shortly after losing the Florida primary (a humiliating debate-stage thumping from Chris Christie didn’t help matters). And 2024 Donald Trump is in a much better place electorally than 2016 Trump was at the time. The former president is staring down Ms Haley in the Palmetto State with an undefeated record and a polling lead as high as 30 points in South Carolina, according to some surveys.

Politico added some more details on Trump’s huge lead over Haley in South Carolina:

South Carolina voters are far more likely to support former President Donald Trump than the state’s former Gov. Nikki Haley for the Republican Party’s nomination, according to a poll released by Winthrop University on Wednesday.

Ahead of the Feb. 24 GOP primary, the poll shows 65 percent of likely voters in the state would vote for Trump, which is a 36 percent lead over Haley. Out of Republican voters, an overwhelming 72 percent would vote for Trump.

Independents are more evenly split between the candidates, though. Of those likely to vote in the primary, 42 percent backed Haley compared to 43 percent for Trump.

So, what do you think Haley will say during tomorrow’s speech?

Is she finished?

Is she changing parties?

Or, something else entirely?

Let us know your thoughts!


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