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CDC Finally Changes COVID Guidelines To Match The Flu?

Location: America

Year: 2020

CDC: “The coronavirus is the worst plague to ever hit mankind! Lock yourself away for 2 weeks to slow the spread! Only step on the feet stickers on the floor when shopping, and don’t walk in the opposite direction of the arrows or you’ll kill grandma!”

4 Years Later…

CDC: “Oh, wait a minute. You know what, I got this mixed up with something else. I think this is like the flu. Yeah, I’m sorry. My bad. This is like the flu. Just rest for a day. That should be fine. Okay? Okay.”

Can you imagine people still trusting the CDC?

They just quietly proposed abandoning the isolation guidelines for the coronavirus.

The New York Post reports:

Finally! The CDC’s slow retreat on COVID guidance shows its ‘experts’ belong in isolation

The Centers for Disease Control just quietly proposed abandoning the isolation guidelines around COVID — and so proved again that America’s public-health establishment must face a reckoning.

Per reports, the agency will recommend that people with COVID — nigh on four years after the pandemic hit — no longer in general need to isolate for five days; they’re good to go once their symptoms improve.

In other words, the central prop on which America’s destructive COVID policy was premised — that the disease was so deadly dangerous to all that anyone testing positive for it had to lock themselves up like a leper — is now set to be abandoned by the very “experts” who previously insisted it was essential.

The media who screamed that the people daring to question such rules have gone oddly silent on this retreat — plainly, because most Americans long ago stopped heeding CDC advice on COVID.

But then this is only the latest in an endless train of errors and willful malfeasance that led to the shutdown of American society with zero effect on the plague’s deadliness.

Consider the whole concept of social distancing.

Anthony Fauci admitted before Congress that it was utterly lacking in scientific basis (and no shock, given that it derived from a high-schooler’s science project).


So they got the info on COVID wrong.

Surely they wouldn’t do the same with the vaccine…

Poor CDC. They just can’t get anything right.

But not everyone is happy about this.

There’s plenty commenting about how this isn’t scientific and they still want the mask. There’s no helping some people.

And here’s one of them.

A doctor that still wants you to wear a mask.

Better wear it while in the shower, just to be safe.


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