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Putin Shares Thoughts On Tucker Carlson Interview [Watch HERE]

Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, shared his opinions in his recent interview with Tucker Carlson.

During the interview, Putin went on long tangents, speaking about the history of Russia and their supposed rightful claim over the country of Ukraine.

However, Putin was expecting Tucker Carlson to ask harder hitting questions that would challenge him more.

Watch the video here:


“To be honest, I thought he (Tucker Carlson) would be more aggressive and ask tough questions.”

“I was not just prepared for that, I wanted that, because it would have given me the opportunity to respond sharply, which in my opinion, would have added certain specificity to our conversation.”

“But he chose a different tactic.”

“He attempted to interrupt me several times, yet surprisingly, for a Western journalist, he proved patient, listening to my lengthy replies, especially about history.”

“And he didn’t give me a reason to do what I was prepared for.”

“So, honestly speaking, I did not fully enjoy that interview.”

It seems that Putin was fully expecting Tucker Carlson to be more aggressive with his interview approach, trying to ask harder-hitting questions.

Business Insider shares more on the story:

Putin’s chief complaint was that he expected more “sharp” questions from Carlson, a commentator who at Fox News previously defended Russia.

During the interview with Putin, Carlson sometimes interrupted and other times sat and listened as the Russian president spent more than 20 minutes delivering his version of the history of Russia and Ukraine and the current war.

“To be honest, I thought that he would behave aggressively and ask so-called sharp questions. I was not just prepared for this, I wanted it, because it would give me the opportunity to respond in the same way,” Putin said, according to a translation shared by The Guardian.

Many Russia watchers, and even former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, criticized Carlson for not pushing back against claims Putin made or pressing him more on the invasion of Ukraine.

You can watch the full Tucker Carlson interview with Putin here:

Additionally, Tucker Carlson recently spoke about the interview himself:


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