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Rep. Ayanna Pressley Condemns Walgreens Over Closure of Pharmacies Amidst Epidemic Of Thefts

Democrat Representative Ayanna Pressley throws out the tired accusation.

Can you guess what it is?

Despite the facts and video clips, Pressley seems to know the ‘real reason’ Walgreens is closing.

They’re just don’t like the people that live in that neighborhood!

It couldn’t be the fact that they’re bleeding money from crime.

No, that’s just too much common sense.

And the truth hurts too much for her to face the facts.


Mindy makes a good point. Just when I think I can’t like her anymore, she goes and posts something like this:


Boston news reports:

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley condemned Walgreens on the U.S. House floor Tuesday for closing another pharmacy in Roxbury, an act Pressley said will deepen racial, economic, and healthcare inequalities for marginalized groups.

Addressing the U.S. House Speaker, the state’s Democratic representative for District 7 said the pharmacy store chain is “abandoning” low-income communities in the district and leaving communities without access to essentials like medication and baby formula.

“These closures are not arbitrary and they are not innocent,” Pressley said in her speech. “They are life-threatening acts of racial and economic discrimination.”

The Walgreens in Roxbury is slated to close Jan. 31 after the closure date was delayed in early January. The decision to close the pharmacy, one of 18 locations across Boston, sparked a public outcry from residents and activists, who said the closing of the pharmacy would make it harder for people in the community to access food, prescriptions, and other necessities.

“Why was there no community input? No adequate notice to customers? And no transition resources to prevent gaps in healthcare?” Pressley said on the House floor.

“Shame on you, Walgreens,” Pressley said in her speech. “Having a website with talking points about health equity and underserved communities is not enough. Walgreens is a multi-billion-dollar corporation that needs to put their money where their mouth is and stop divesting from Black and brown communities.”

Well, Ms. Pressley, let’s see if we can get to the bottom of this.

Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I present to you…

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

Exhibit D:

Exhibit E:

Exhibit F:  This guy commited the crime of trying to stop a crime.


Exhibit G: The aftermath.

I could continue all day.

Is Walgreens expected to stay open with bare shelves?


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