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Outrage As Community Center Converted Into Camp For 400 Illegal Immigrants

The people are reaching their limits.

Now we have residents in Boston having to give up their community center over to non-citizens.

This is the one place the kids can go thats safe.

An alternative to being around gangs and violence.

So, naturally the citizens cried out against this!

“Too bad,” is basically what the Democrat leaders replied.

Fox News reports:

Massachusetts residents are none too happy about Democratic Gov. Maura Healey’s decision to temporarily close a Boston neighborhood’s community recreation center to shelter migrants.

“They don’t care about us. They only care about their agenda and their political careers at our expense.” Shawn Nelson, a former city council candidate, said Thursday on “Fox & Friends First.”

The Melnea Cass Recreation Center in Roxbury reportedly offered a skating rink and places to exercise, providing a safe space for the community’s youth to fraternize. Without it, parents are concerned young people may find themselves in trouble instead.

Nelson, outraged by the ongoing crisis, captured footage of himself confronting Healey in Boston on Wednesday, asking her why she believes taking resources from Massachusetts citizens is acceptable while urging for migrant deportations to take place.

“You serve us, not these illegals,” he said.

Catherine Vitale, a lifelong community resident, agreed, arguing the influx of migrants isn’t fair to the people already living in the area.

“They’re putting a huge burden on the residents of Roxbury. Even less than a quarter mile down the road, there’s an open-air drug market. These people are already struggling in this neighborhood, and now they’re having one of their assets taken away from them,” she said.

Jones also spoke to a mom of four outraged by the community center’s temporary closure.

You can see the place is all setup to make sure they’re nice and comfy.

How nice of those Democrats.

They really are such a caring people.

As long as you are not a citizen.

Here’s Boston airport a week ago:

Remember, they “really don’t have a choice” but to turn this community center into a camp ground for illegal aliens.


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