Well gee, I guess I was wrong….
I was fairly convinced that the 1969 Moon Landings were fake and that as the Bible tells us there is a Firmament surrounding our Earth, but turns out I was wrong on both accounts.
Sorry Genesis!
Yes indeed, much like India did last year, Japan has now landed on the Moon!
How embarrassing that I could be so wrong….
Errrrr, uhhhh excuse me, my apologies….those prior paragraphs were all written with tongue firmly implanted in cheek!
Except for one thing I wrote which was spot on: Japan’s Moon Landing looks exactly like India’s Moon Landing from last year, and by that I mean fake as can be!
But that’s just my opinion, you decide for yourself….
Here is the footage they are attempting to pass off as real footage from Japan’s Moon Landing:
How many gullible people are going to fall for this. OMG💯👇 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣#reasearchflatearth #flatearth pic.twitter.com/Pa1dFV7tjd
— GlobeStuPid🐦⬛ (@CryptoStu3) January 22, 2024
It looks EXACTLY like India’s did!
Like some 1980s version of Atari Space Invaders!
Is that really the best they can do?
My Nintendo Switch has better graphics than this!
More here, this one includes footage from the lander itself as it tumbles towards the Moon:
TOFU NEWS: Similar to the Indian Moon landing 🤡
Japan's inaugural lunar module has successfully landed on the Moon, as reported by Japan's Aerospace Agency. There is a confirmed connection with the lunar module, indicating a likely lunar landing. Final clarifications are… pic.twitter.com/rpBBvynYXf
— Jack Straw (@JackStr42679640) January 19, 2024
Does that look real to you?
I guess we can quote Elon Musk here: “You know it’s real because it looks so fake!”
Remember when he said that? That was a real gem.
More footage here, and pay particular attention to how they are reporting this — they are not claiming these are simulated videos — they’re saying this is footage of the craft landing on the Moon:
Japan has become the fifth country to land a spacecraft on the moon with its ‘sniper’ probe touching down on Friday. However, the control room is currently awaiting successful communication with the lander. 🌝🇯🇵 #moonlanding #Japan pic.twitter.com/j4duTDuJgU
— CGTN Europe Breaking News (@CGTNEuropebreak) January 20, 2024
More here:
Congratulations to Japan – now the 5th country to land successfully on the moon 🌑 🚀
Seraphim Space CEO Mark Boggett appeared on Sky News on Friday. Mark was asked to comment on the Japan moon landing and the growing importance of commercial capital to help government and… pic.twitter.com/jwKCyQWRNA
— Seraphim Space (@seraphim_space) January 22, 2024
I am apparently not the only person that thinks it looks super fake….or that it looks almost identical to India’s fake footage:
Move over India 🐰Japan”s turn to fake a moon landing and here it is👻 pic.twitter.com/q8HsUnCyVX
— TruthBeTold (@TruthBe53952128) January 19, 2024
Backlash from the India footage got so bad last year they DID come out several days later to try to claim it was just a rendering of what it *would have* looked like, but by that point the damage was done.
But they’re not stopping there….
Here is what they claim is a timelapse video shot from the Moon’s surface:
Sorry but it just looks SO fake!
And I see we’ve chosen to go with “no stars” in this one.
Always funny when they decide to include the stars or not.
Here’s what NBC News reported:
Japan’s moon lander nailed its tricky, “pinpoint” touchdown on the lunar surface, officials from the country’s space agency announced Thursday, but a newly released image revealed that the spacecraft became overturned in the process.
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, known as JAXA, confirmed that the mission achieved its goal of a precision landing within 100 meters (328 feet) of its target — a feat that could broaden the number of potential landing sites for future missions to the moon.
With the successful touchdown of the SLIM lander (short for Smart Lander for Investigating Moon), Japan became the fifth country in history to achieve a controlled or “soft” landing on the moon. Only the United States, the former Soviet Union, China and India can similarly boast about such an accomplishment.
The SLIM mission represents another giant leap forward in lunar exploration.
A wheeled rover that was released before the SLIM craft landed snapped a photo that appears to show the probe upside-down on the moon’s surface. As such, the lander’s solar panels are not angled properly to harness sunlight and power up the probe, according to JAXA.
ADVERTISEMENTThe agency said there is still a chance that the lander could recover and generate power as sunlight shifts in the coming days.
And from TechCrunch:
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Company shared the first image of its lander on the lunar surface, revealing that the spacecraft touched down on the moon upside-down.
It’s a remarkable recovery for the spacecraft, which experienced an “abnormality in the main engine” that affecting the landing orientation when it was just 50 meters above the lunar surface, JAXA said in an update Thursday. Despite this abnormality — which resulted in the spacecraft’s solar panels being unable to charge, because they are not oriented properly wit the sun — the country nevertheless became the fifth nation ever to pull off a soft landing on the moon.
Even after the main engine was lost, SLIM’s onboard software continued to autonomously guide the spacecraft’s descent. The lander touched down at a speed of around 1.4 meters per second or less, below the design range; but the lateral velocity and orientation were also outside the design range, resulting in the nose-down position.
Remarkably, the lander ended up just 55 meters east of the original target landing site. JAXA officials said that the main purpose of the SLIM mission, which was to demonstrate the pinpoint landing technology to within 100 meters accuracy, is therefore considered a success.
Now let’s have some fun and go back to India’s “Moon Landing”….
Read through this and tell me if this looks identical to what India originally tried to pass off as real footage and later claimed was just simulated images:
UPDATE: Did India Fake Its Moon Landing?
You want to know a very good indicator that something is, in fact, FAKE?
When all the big Fact-Checkers have to roll out their big “Fact Checks” to tell you it most definitely is not fake because we are Fact-Checkers and we said so!
That just happened again.
Last week India claimed to have landed on the Moon.
The only problem was it gave the world this footage:
Many immediately said it looked SUPER fake.
Here is Stew Peters calling it out:
BREAKING: India FAKES moon landing. pic.twitter.com/nWp58rDwxG
— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) August 23, 2023
I also posted that it looked very fake to me.
A BAD fake:
Many clowned the images as saying it looked like a bad 1980’s video game.
Others named the game as “Space Invaders” — which was spot on.
The “useful idiots” were out in full force saying of course it was real imagery and we all just had “tin foil hats” on.
You gotta love the useful idiots.
But now after a week of getting clowned bad, it looks like they’ve taken a different approach.
Now LeadStories wants you to know this wasn’t live footage at all, it was just a simulation that was broadcast live:
Fact Check: India Did NOT Fake Chandrayaan-3 Landing On The Moon — A Simulation Image Was Broadcast Live #CurrentEvents #FactCheck #International https://t.co/U9BSmr5I8o
— NFN – News Facts Network (@FactsNfn) September 5, 2023
Ummmm, what?
As usual, they go to incredible mental gymnastics to come up with these fact-checks.
“A Simulation Image was Broadcast Live”?
What does that even mean?
But let’s Fact-Check the Fact-Checkers because there are a few big problems with this.
First, none of the live streams of the moon landing labeled that as “simulation” footage.
They all said “Livestream”.
I checked last week and I just re-checked right now.
Not a single feed was labeled “Simulation”.
I guess these Rocket Scientists just forgot that little detail, huh?
Or is it more likely that they got clowned so hard that they finally had to admit it was fake but claim they intended it to be fake all along?
You decide.
Here’s another problem…
LeadStories points to the Stew Peters tweet in its Fact-Check as some sort of proof and even includes screenshots of the Tweet and an Archive Link of the Tweet as if Stew took it down.
He never took it down, it’s still proudly posted.
Nice try LeadStories.
But here’s the really key part.
They claim the Stew Peters Tweet was Fact-Checked with a “Community Note” on Twitter, and indeed it was — but not for the reason you’d think.
Take a look:
So there is a Community Note saying the India Moon Landing was NOT faked because…..wait for it…..because these four sources all tracked it while it happened!
So you’d think you’d go to those 4 sources and you’d see live video or you’d see something saying the official video was labeled a simulation, but you don’t see any of that.
All four links are just this….hours and hours of screens that look like mini EKG machines allegedly reading the “sound” of the Moon Lander from space:
And by watching hours of blips of sound on the screen that is supposed to be proof the landing was real.
You kidding me with this?
Something I could make myself in Garage Band on my iMac and post to YouTube and you’d have no idea what it was (kind of like this Chorizo image?) is the “proof” the India Moon Landing was real?
But here’s my bigger question….
Why doesn’t the Community Note simply say that was a Simulation video?
Wouldn’t that have been a much simpler explanation?
But it doesn’t say that.
Only LeadStories now says that one week later.
As your mom probably told you, “if you don’t lie then you don’t need to constantly remember what you said and when you were telling the truth”.
Good advice.
NASA and the MSM should try following it, but at this point they’re too far gone.
Shifting stories, shifting sand, imploding confidence.
One more comment before I wrap this up….
You want to shut people up about all this being fake?
How about instead of stupid Garage Band sound readings how about you just strap a GoPro to the window of one of these “space rockets” and give us a FULL FEED of the launch?
Go from launchpad to Moon landing with no cuts.
Oh you’d think we’d have a bunch of those by now, right?
But we don’t.
Not a single one.
In fact, there’s not even a single UNCUT video feed live from a rocket going from launch pad into “Space”.
None exist.
They always “cut out” about halfway through and then “pop back on” once they’re in “Space”.
Don’t trust what I say, go look it up for yourself, see what you find.
Oh NASA has a million reasons WHY you can’t see that footage.
As usual, it’s just too complicated for us plebs to understand.
You’re right, I don’t understand and I don’t buy it.
If we have the technology to fly to the Moon and ride around on a Dune Buggy, we damn sure have the technology to strap a GoPro to a window and record the entire thing.
Instead what do we get?
We get…..this:
You want to shut people up?
You want to prove it’s real?
Save you BS LeadStories “Fact Check” and just show us REAL, UNCUT video.
Until then, I’m going to continue to assume it’s all fake.
Here was our original report:
India’s Moon Landing: Real or Fake?
I know this happened a couple days ago, but I have purposely waited to cover this for a while.
I just keep looking at the footage and I am a bit stunned.
Do people really think this is real?
I suppose I should back up and frame this a bit more objectively: I’m going to show you the footage of India allegedly landing on the Moon this week and I want to know if you think it looks real or fake.
There, was that better?
More objective?
I’m trying but I’m sorry, this just looks SUPER fake to me.
Just watch for yourself and then we’ll dig in.
From the Indian Express, here is the official footage.
Start at about the 6:20 minute mark:
Here’s a different view, allegedly from the Lunar Probe.
Ok, so first question’s first…
Those are supposed to be real footage of the same event.
At least the second one looks a little more real, but why are there (super fake looking) stars in the first one:
But no stars seen in the second one?
And why can’t any of these “space agencies” get their stories straight?
Why does NASA tell us it looks like this?
“The more you look, the more you start to see. You see the stars like you have never seen them before 🤩.”
Mike Fossum of @NASA_Astronauts shares how he experienced the universe differently during his time orbiting 250 miles above the Earth’s surface: https://t.co/HXZE2gaTZJ pic.twitter.com/4qlG0nBUTR
— NASA (@NASA) December 18, 2019
And this:
Looking out from the @Space_Station, Jack Fischer of @NASA_Astronauts saw "billions of stars, the Magellanic cloud, the galaxies that you can see with your naked eye. And they don't twinkle. They just stare at you. They dare you to come and to explore:" https://t.co/kzrrHFm7SA pic.twitter.com/zdweNoiy5Z
— NASA (@NASA) September 9, 2020
And why do some Astronauts say they could see stars and some say they couldn’t?
Were they not briefed on what to say about that question by NASA?
Can you see the stars in outer space? The first Astronauts could not see em…#stars#nasa pic.twitter.com/xROWm3bIRb
— babyson (@sophiacubes) July 16, 2020
I went off on a wild tangent about the stars, but that really wasn’t the main point.
The main point is….why does the Indian Moon Landing video look so wildly FAKE?
I know, I know Elon….”you can tell it’s real because it looks so fake”:
Space Tesla hoax 😆 pic.twitter.com/nIHOOHOyhP
— Natasha M (@Mishtrash) February 11, 2023
Now there’s a reason why I started this article with the official Indian News feed for the Moon Landing footage.
Because if I showed you the Tweets first you’d claim it wasn’t real.
But it is and it looks wildly fake:
🚨🚨🚨🇮🇳 India recently landed on the moon – This is the footage of it happening👇
Are you guys skeptical or is it just me?#IndiaMoonLanding pic.twitter.com/bJs9RyyESz
— Kevin – WE THE PEOPLE🦁 (@bambkb) August 26, 2023
It looks MORE fake than the NASA footage from the 1960s and 70s.
Basically, this guy is spot on:
🚨🚨🚨Some people might say that it’s NOT the real footage? But it is!! Prime minister of India 🇮🇳 Narendra Modi and others congratulate the video and landing☺️#IndiaMoonLanding pic.twitter.com/3oFAYTkzeb
— Kevin – WE THE PEOPLE🦁 (@bambkb) August 26, 2023
This guy says it looks like 1980s Pacman, but I disagree.
Pacman looked SHARP.
This is way worse:
🇮🇳 The NASA Moon Landing Hoax version Bollywood
India "has become the 4th country ever to land a spacecraft on the moon" according to the Vermin in the Media
LOL! Please tell me it's a joke, the whole thing looks like a 1980's Pacman video game. 🤣🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/CMi1SWZksd
— 🍁Antonio Tweets (@AntonioTweets2) August 24, 2023
I love watching the reaction videos:
Oh My Days! India On The Moon?? pic.twitter.com/Cs9wgFwnJu
— PaulsCorner21 (@TNTJohn1717) August 24, 2023
Pacman was not quite right, but I gotta say “Space Invaders” is 100% spot on:
Breathtaking footage of India's rocket ship landing on the moon…😆
Space invaders anyone? pic.twitter.com/0pOH3sJdMq
— CtrlAltDelete (@TakingoutTrash7) August 25, 2023
They are getting clowned SO HARD I have to be explicitly clear and tell you this video below is NOT the official video.
I know they look similar, but they’re not the same thing:
Amazing. India has landed on the moon. pic.twitter.com/RcVdm868RB
— Jan 𝕏 Jensen (@_Jan_Jensen) August 29, 2023
This guy calls it “Low Tech CGI” and I think that’s a good summary:
Something is up with outer space 🤔 Seriously, look at this OFFICIAL footage of a moon landing out of India 🇮🇳 It's low-tech CGI The Chinese one in the thread below is just as ridiculous. And why haven't we been back to the Moon since the Apollo landings?
QUESTION EVERYTHING! pic.twitter.com/osynOyYc8h
— Epstein's Sheet. 🧻 (@meantweeting1) August 25, 2023
Very low tech.
Low tech and low budget.
Did you see Modi after the lander touched down?
Did you notice how he didn’t clap right away?
I think he knew how absolutely fake it looked and he couldn’t even bring himself to clap for a few seconds.
I think if you could have read his mind it would have said something like: “Are you freaking kidding me? This is the footage they are showing to the world? This is the best we could do? I am so embarrassed right now….”
I love this guy’s recap video:
Let’s recap the India moon landing..
Must Watch👇🏽👇🏽 pic.twitter.com/oeCFDq0Nx7
— Fred’s Farm | Herbs (@FredsFarm247) August 24, 2023
“It looks so authentic!”
Now let’s keep going…
Let’s leave India for a second and come a little closer to home:
“Was The NASA Moon Landing Fake?”
Was the Moon Landing Fake?
That’s not my question…
That was Patrick Bet-David’s question to Avi Loeb, the author of “Interstellar”.
I found the clip to be very fascinating.
The short answer from Avi?
The reason?
Moon Rocks.
Yes, really.
I’ll let you watch below, but what I find most compelling is exactly what PBD brings up when he questions Loeb.
To me, the single-most compelling question or piece of evidence is not camera angles, or “wrong shadows” in old footage, or foot prints on the moon, or strange landscapes…
All of that is interesting, but to me it’s not the PRIME thing.
To me, the primary question is a simple and basic one: why did we (we meaning all of Earth) go to the Moon in 1969 and then just never go back for over 50 years?
Have we EVER gone back?
Many say we haven’t.
So….did we really go the first time?
THAT is the question.
Watch Pat ask Ari:
It’s actually not the first time PBD has gone down this road.
Pat is a smart guy….VERY smart.
I think he knows something is very wrong here.
Check out his prior interview with Bart Sibrel.
I think from that interview to this latest one with Ari, I sense Pat becoming more and more skeptical of the original Moon Landing story.
Maybe that’s just me, but I can feel it.
Pat was skeptical to Bart about his claims it was fake, but flash forward and Pat now seems much more skeptical of the original story itself.
Check it out:
FACT CHECKED: So We Never Actually Landed On The Moon?
Earlier today I was joking around on Twitter and I posted this Tweet below…
Read this.
But read it slowly:
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