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Legacy Media Cheers Nikki Haley For Winning “Entire Town” In New Hampshire

I don’t call them the “Mainstream Media” anymore.

Because they’re not Mainstream…..WE are Mainstream!

We’re 100 Million Trump Supporters who love America!

We have clear heads and full hearts.

We’re not poisoned by Looney Liberal Logic or racist crap like DEI.

We’re the Mainstream!

So I refuse to call them the MSM anymore, and instead I call them the Legacy Media.

Legacy as in “dying out”.

Soon to be completely gone.

Anyway, that was a bit of a sidetrack rant, but now on with our story….

The Legacy Media is going crazy touting how Nikki Haley won an entire town in NH!

Spoiler alert: it’s a town of 6 voters and ALL of them voted for Biden in 2020.

Let me rewrite their headlines for them: 6 Democrat Voters Vote For Nikki Haley In The First Election Results.

Congrats Nikki, wow what an accomplishment!

MSDNC creaming their pants about the news:

Absolutely ridiculous:

Here’s the truth about this town:

NIMRATA aka Nikki Haley won all 6 Votes in the tiny town of Dixville Notch. Not one single vote for Trump.

Just an fyi… this same town unanimously voted for Joe Biden in 2020. 🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣

The same people who wanted Joe Biden want Nikki Haley… 🤣🤣😂

I would reeeeaaly like to see what those 6 Dixville Notch voters look like.

Dixville Notch’s holds a long-standing tradition as the first town in New Hampshire to vote in the primaries… which they did at midnight last night.

Let’s give our predictions… I say Trump wins by 65 points.

What say you?

MSDNC so proud:

Meanwhile, the rest of New Hampshire is about to send Donald Trump another historic victory:

MAGA baby!


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