Have you heard of the AfD?
They’re awesome!
They’re the political party in Deutschland (that’s Germany to us) that’s the closest to Republicans and MAGA, except they don’t have a famous figure heading it, like our Trump. By the way, those initals stand for Alternative For Deustschland.
The AfD are against the Deep State and all the destructive measures they push on Germany.
So, naturally the media demonizes them at every single turn.
Sadly, so many in Germany have been so brainwashed for so long, that they fight against the only political group that has their best interest at heart.
AfD leader, Alice Weidel, spoke out about the invasion they’re experiencing over there, much like us and our border.
She announced their plan to kick these violent invaders out and deport millions of them.
The brainwashed citizens protested her and the AfD because they were taught by the mainstream media that to be against “migrants” is the same as reliving Germany in the 1930, calling them the usual names like “fascists” among others.
Utter nonsense.
You tell them, Alice!
Then the liberals had to protest. This is really sad for me to see. Imagine if 300,000 here in the U.S. protested the National Guard at the border.
That’s the equivalent.
Yahoo News reports the gathering of the blind:
At least 300,000 people took to the streets of Germany on Saturday to voice their opposition to the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and to support democracy.
The protests took place from the south in Bavaria to the northern city of Hamburg and from western cities such as Frankfurt to Erfurt and Haale/Saale in the east, where the AfD is backed by some 30% of the electorate, according to recent surveys.
Even on the North Sea island of Sylt, a popular holiday destination for Germany’s rich and wealthy and not known as a hotbed of political activism, some 600 people protested against the far-right, according to police.
ADVERTISEMENTens of thousands more are expected on Sunday when other cities, including the capital Berlin, have mass protests scheduled.
The strong turnout follows a report from the news outlet Correctiv which revealed that AfD politicians held a meeting with far-right extremists in November in Potsdam near Berlin. Members of the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the largest opposition party, also attended.
The report has caused an uproar in Germany, where there is mounting dread among mainstream political parties about the surge in public support for the AfD. The party is riding high in the polls of three former East German states that hold regional elections later this year.
The protests, which have been running for days, have also drawn support from Chancellor Scholz.
A similar protest in Limburg to the north-west of Frankfurt drew 2,800 earlier on Saturday, considerably more than had been expected.
In Hanover in northern Germany, organizers put the number of participants at 35,000, saying this estimate was in accordance with police figures. The police were not initially available for comment.
Protest gegen AfD und Rechtsextremismus: Rund 35.000 Menschen demonstrieren in der Frankfurter Innenstadt. (via @and_bauer) pic.twitter.com/XDQiZ26hPn
— hessenschau (@hessenschau) January 20, 2024
Notice the rainbow flags in the audience. That should tell you what side these protestors are on.
Here’s a pic that shows an ANTIFA flag. The red one on the left that has the white oval logo:
По всей Германии идут протесты против профашистской партии AfD(частично финансируемой 🇷🇺).
Отчитываюсь. В эту холодину я , конечно, тоже была на демо. Пройти было невозможно. 35000 чел для Ганновера это невероятно.Все с детьми, родители тут же обьясняют детям, как это важно. pic.twitter.com/Ys5JVm5l72— Ольга🇩🇪💛💙Безумцы➡️мимо (@lass_mich_reden) January 20, 2024
Yes, protesters. Let them invaders in to rob and kill you. That’s much better.
At least while you’re dying you can say, “At least I wasn’t racist.”
Friggin liberal idiots.
Say a prayer for our German brothers and sisters. We’re all in this fight against the globalist together.
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