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Chris Christie To Return Soon With New Presidential Campaign?

Could Chris Christie have dropped out of the Republican race to run third-party?

New reports indicate that this just may be case…

It was just this past Wednesday that Chris Christie announced the end of his non-starter GOP presidential campaign for 2024.

Now, sources close to Christie have confirmed that the centrist group No Labels has reached out to the former New Jersey governor about a role in a bipartisan, third-party ticket.

Founding chairman of No Labels and former Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman stated his interested in discussing a third-party ticket with Christie and suggested that, “he could be a very strong candidate.”

At this time, sources have not confirmed whether or not No Labels was successful in reaching Christie, or if a third-party ticket with his name on it is in the works.

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Fox News has more on the scoop:

The centrist group No Labels is trying to reach out and speak with former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie — who this week ended his bid for the Republican presidential nomination — about a possible role in a potential third-party, bipartisan presidential ticket.

Sources in Christie’s political orbit confirmed to Fox News there has been outreach by No Labels but that the organization has not had any actual conversations with the former governor since he suspended his presidential campaign on Wednesday.

Christie campaign manager Maria Comella on Thursday said that “neither the governor nor anyone on the campaign has had conversations with No Labels.”

Former Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, the party’s 2000 vice presidential nominee and a No Labels founding co-chair, said in a radio interview after Christie ended his White House bid that Christie “could be a very strong candidate” on the group’s proposed unity ticket.”

The New York Post also reported:

The centrist No Labels political party expressed interest in tapping Chris Christie to run on its third-party presidential ticket, a day after the former New Jersey governor ended his 2024 campaign for the Republican nomination.

“I’d like to reach out to him and see if he, Gov. Christie, is at all interested in being on a bipartisan No Labels Unity ticket this year,” former Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, the founding No Labels chairman, told SiriusXM radio host Michael Smerconish Thursday.

“He could be a very strong candidate,” Lieberman added, noting that an “informal recruitment” of potential candidates for the party’s 2024 ticket is underway.

Christie, 61, suspended his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination on Wednesday.

The former governor tried to cast himself as the best choice to take on former President Donald Trump, calling him unfit for office, admitting he had made a mistake by backing Trump in 2016 and repeatedly slamming other GOP candidates for their reluctance to criticize the 77-year-old GOP frontrunner.


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