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WATCH: Nancy Pelosi Tells CNN “Many of Us Know It’s Impossible for Trump to be President Again”

Nancy Pelosi’s made some questionable comments during her recent appearance on CNN…

In a conversation with anchor Phil Mattingly, Pelosi claimed, “Many of us know that it is impossible for Trump to be the president again.”

Mattingly quickly responded, asking the question we all were thinking, “Why do you say that?”

Pelosi paused for a minute before bumbling out, ““Well, because… when you’re talking about what he’s talking about now, like more tax cuts for corporate Americans.”

Watch the moment for yourself here:

Now, Pelosi’s comments are truly strange, considering even leftist mainstream media has been reporting Trump polling ahead of Biden in key swing states.

So, what do you think Pelosi meant by this?


Was it a slip up?

Do Democrats have something up their sleeves?

Many folks on social media seem to think so:

Pelosi’s confidence in the ‘impossibility’ of Trump winning 2024 come as recent polls show Trump’s lead over Biden narrowing in 5 swing states.

The Hill has more on this:

Former President Trump’s leads over President Biden in some key swing states have slightly narrowed, according to a new poll.

Redfield & Wilton Strategies, in partnership with The Telegraph, on Monday launched the third edition of its poll tracking a hypothetical general election including GOP and Democratic front-runners Trump and Biden, as well as potential independent and third-party candidates, across the six swing states of Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Overall, it found that Trump’s lead in four of the states has slightly diminished since November, when it last conducted the poll.

The poll found that the margins between Trump and Biden grew closer in Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, but that the former president still maintains an edge in all six states surveyed. Neither candidate received more than 50 percent of support in any state, signaling that the swing states remain divided on who they will likely support in the general election.

The closest battleground state appears to be Pennsylvania, with Trump holding just a 1-point lead over Biden. Trump secured 40 percent of support in the state, while Biden had 39 percent. Trump’s lead in Pennsylvania has diminished since November, according to the poll, when he had a 7-point lead over Biden.

State of the Union also reported on recent poll findings:

A Redfield & Wilton Strategies survey of swing state voters shows that former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in key swing states, including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

The survey of 6,029 swing state voters indicates that more voters believe Trump would win in a head-to-head matchup.

Trump leads Biden in several states, with notable margins in Florida, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.


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