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WATCH: Ecuador Has Fallen, MILITARY Called In To Retake Country

Ecuador is reportedly being attacked, in a coordinated fashion, in multiple areas of the country.

Earlier today, gunmen stormed the TC Television Network headquarters in Ecuador’s largest city, Guayaquil, took hostages, and broadcast an announcement to the country.

The criminal gangs demanded that the President of the country declare a national emergency. Sources say that all of the gunmen who stormed the network have been apprehended by the military.

We are also seeing reports that other gunmen within the criminal network attempted to storm the Carondelet Palace, in what some are calling a ‘coup attempt.’

However, many reports explain that these attacks are likely linked to a jailbreak of a top cartel boss.

The latest development to transpire since the attacks took place this morning is the military being called to patrol certain cities like Quito. Here’s what we currently know:


The Guardian had more on the TC Television incident earlier today:

Toting pistols, shotguns, machine guns, grenades and sticks of dynamite, approximately 20 men overran the studio during the El Noticiero news programme.

With the cameras broadcasting live, the men could be seen on camera while some employees lay down on the floor and someone was heard yelling “Don’t shoot!” before the signal was eventually cut.

End Wokeness issued this chilling warning: “Ecuador was just overrun by the cartel. Prison takeovers, hostages, bombings, and executions in multiple cities. A news station was hijacked on live TV.

8-10 million unknowns from these kind of regions have crossed through the border since Biden took office. DHS Mayorkas admitted privately 85% of these illegals have been let in.

You can look away for now, but it may be happening in your own backyard next.”

BBC News provided this update:

Following the incident, President Daniel Noboa signed an executive order declaring an internal armed conflict and listed several organised crime groups as “terrorist organisations” and “non-state actors”.


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