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Damning New Evidence Emerges Regarding Covid-19 Origins, Secret Meetings Revealed

It is no longer a longshot to say that NIH, Fauci, and other public health officials knowingly engaged in a COVID-19 conspiracy against the American people.

Newly surfaced reports indicate that American scientists met with Shi Zhengli, colloquially known as the ‘Covid Batwoman’, in 2017—2 years before the pandemic hit.

Zhengli was researching modifying novel coronavirus strains for the Wuhan Institute of Virology to supercharge the strains for human infection. This is known as gain-of-function research.

Why were American scientists meeting with this woman? Moreover, why was she supercharging a virus found in nature, yet not infectious to human beings, in the first place?

‘Public health’ officials tell us that this gain-of-function research benefits humanity in that it allows us to get ahead of pathogens before they mutate.

However, we live in a world where computers can increasingly run hypothetical scenarios and collect data on those scenarios. Is it perfect? No, but it sure beats the obvious risk of creating a dangerous pathogen and setting it free.

Under no circumstances can gain-of-function benefit humanity. Shooting hostages just so the terrorists can’t and then claiming some sort of moral high ground or victory is a poor strategy in any situation.

Unfortunately, virtually everything the government does follows my little analogy. Here’s the newest evidence to support the 99.887% certainty that Covid-19 was a manmade biological agent released from a lab:


Daily Mail broke the story:

A new cache of documents, obtained by Freedom of Information campaigners and seen by The Mail on Sunday, reveal the extent to which the controversial work at the Wuhan Institute of Virology was supported, and often funded, by America.

They show that US researchers seeking funding for work to engineer ‘spike proteins’ – making it easier for the bat viruses to infect human cells – misled the authorities about the risks of the experiments in order to maximise the chance of receiving grants.

Dr. Peter A. McCullough pointed out: “Dr. Peter Daszak, EcoHealthNYC, and Dr. Jeremy Farrar had full knowledge that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered by Dr. Ralph Baric, funded by NIH and work done by Dr. Shi Zhengli in Wuhan Insitute of Virology. Documented in Menachery papers published 2015-16.”

Reporter Emily Kopp tied in the current, ongoing Fauci deposition into the recent revelations:

“Over the weekend, we revealed a meeting between Fauci and EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak in 2017 that Fauci forgot about during his 2022 sworn deposition.

We also revealed that the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s “Bat Lady” Shi Zhengli apparently visited Fauci’s NIAID in 2017. She apparently passed a security screening to do so, despite the fact that the PLA’s work with the WIV dates back to at least 2017.”

The New York Post touched on the current, ongoing closed-door deposition of Fauci to Congressional investigators:

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), who also sits on the House COVID select subcommittee, told reporters that no one directly asked Fauci about whether the US funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology but she expected Tuesday’s questions to home in on that subject.

“Dr. [Robert] Redfield came to our committee, and he specifically said not only did NIH funding make its way to the Wuhan lab but that [funding from] USAID, Department of State, Department of Defense” did as well, Malliotakis said, referring to the former head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


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