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President Trump Calls on “Crooked Joe Biden” to Fire “Failed Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin”

If President Trump were in the White House today, he would have one simple message for Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin: “You’re fired!”

In a post on Truth Social, President Trump called on “Crooked Joe Biden” to do his job and immediately fire “Failed Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin” for “improper professional conduct and dereliction of duty.”

Read President Trump’s statement here for yourself:

Lloyd Austin has served as Biden’s Defense Secretary since the beginning of his administration in January 2021.

Beginning New Year’s Day, he went MIA for 4 days, failing to inform Biden, Congress, or anyone else that he was in a Maryland ICU unit undergoing a secret medical procedure.

Reportedly, Biden spoke with Austin on the phone Saturday, and his job is safe, for the time being.

Here’s what Politico had to say about Biden’s continued “trust and confidence” in Austin:

Still, Biden held a “cordial conversation” with his defense secretary on Saturday night, per one of the U.S. officials. “The president has complete trust and confidence in Secretary Austin,” the official said. A National Security Council spokesperson echoed that sentiment, noting Biden “is looking forward to [Austin] getting back to the Pentagon.”

Four officials said Austin’s job seemed secure for the moment, especially after the phone call with Biden. They argued that it was a rare blemish in an otherwise strong tenure, namely cajoling Western nations to send advanced weapons to Ukraine, though Austin critics note he oversaw the chaotic military withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The officials also noted that it was an election year, that Biden and Austin are very close due to the former general’s friendship with the president’s late son Beau Biden — they attended Catholic services while serving in Iraq — and that it would be hard to get another Defense secretary confirmed by the Senate.

The Washington Post also addressed Lloyd Austin’s job security:

A senior official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the situation, noted what he described as “an exceptionally close relationship” between Austin and Biden, whose son Beau served as military lawyer under Austin when he was a top commander in Iraq.

“There’s a lot of trust there on both sides, and this episode has not diminished that trust one bit,” this person said. “The president is looking forward to the secretary’s continued service.”

A White House official said Biden had “full confidence” in Austin and was looking forward to him being back at the Pentagon.

…If Biden himself was frustrated or concerned, he took little noticeable action as a result. On the evening of Jan. 6, after news of Austin’s condition was made public and consternation spread around the capital, Biden spoke by phone with Austin in what officials described as a warm conversation and the president wished him well in his recovery.

Biden has also long felt a sense of loyalty to Austin. After Austin’s return from Iraq, where he attended Catholic Mass with Beau Biden, he and the younger Biden stayed in touch.

Does anyone else think this is ridiculous?

If President Trump were in his rightful place in the White House right now, would this have even been allowed to happen in the first place?

I don’t think so!

In a Sunday afternoon post on X, Don Jr. cut to the real issue at hand here…



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