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Supreme Court to Rule on Trump’s Eligibility for Colorado Ballot

You didn’t think the Democrats were going to simply remove Trump’s name from the ballot and nothing would happen, did you?

The U.S. Supreme Court stated that they’re going to review the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision, and the outcome of that should set the guidelines for the rest of the nation.

NBC News reports:

The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to consider whether former President Donald Trump could be deemed ineligible to run for federal office again because of his actions leading up to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol — a case that could have a seismic impact on the presidential election.

The justices will review a decision by the Colorado Supreme Court that said Trump could be barred from the Republican primary ballot in that state, but the U.S. Supreme Court ruling is likely to have national repercussions, potentially setting guidelines that would determine how every other state would handle the issue.

The brief order said the case would be argued on an accelerated schedule on Feb. 8, indicating that a ruling will follow soon after.

In Colorado, the deadline for candidates being certified for the primary ballot was Friday. Colorado is one of more than a dozen states that has its primary election on March 5.

Read the brief:

Here’s a word from Alina Habba:

I have a feeling the U.S. Supreme Court will uphold the law of the land. And ensure President Trump is right where he should be. On the ballot.


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