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WATCH: Yet Another Democrat Lawmaker Comes Under INVESTIGATION By House Ethics Committee

Yet another Democrat lawmaker is now under investigation by the House Ethics Committee.

In November, the Ethics Committee announced that it was extending its preliminary probe into Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D-FL) regarding issues brought to their attention.

Now, Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick is officially under investigation by her fellow lawmakers after earlier investigative reports were brought to the attention of Congressional investigators.

Congressional lawmakers claim that McCormick violated campaign finance laws and otherwise misappropriated funds.

It is important to stress that this does not mean McCormick is guilty of any wrongdoing; it simply means that lawmakers are currently looking into the claims. Here’s what we currently know:

Newsmax detailed the makeup of the subcommittee investigating McCormick:

Rep. Andrew Garbarino, R-N.Y., will serve as the chair of the investigative panel, and Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, D-Pa., will serve as the ranking member.

Reps. Cliff Bentz, R-Ore., and Troy Carter, D-La., also will serve on the subcommittee.

Elections reporter for NBC, Jacob Rubashkin reminded his readers: “A year and a half ago I published an investigation into unusual ad spending by a Florida freshman. Today the Ethics Committee announced a probe on whether Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick violated laws or congressional rules in her campaign and office spending.”

The Hill explained:

Cherfilus-McCormick joined the House in 2022 after winning a special election for the southern Florida district to replace the late Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.). She was elected to a full term later that year.


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