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HILARIOUS: Kid Calls Nikki Haley The “New John Kerry” During Campaign Event

During a New Hampshire Town Hall event, Nikki Haley got owned by a little kid.

As Haley was addressing questions during the town hall, a little kid stated, “So Chris Christie thinks that you’re a flip-flopper on the Donald Trump issue. And honestly, I agree with him.”

The kid continued, “You’re basically the new John Kerry.”

Watch the moment it went down here:

Check out what the New York Post reported:

Nikki Haley might want to skip New Hampshire town halls for a while.

After the former South Carolina governor spent Thursday morning explaining why she didn’t mention slavery as a chief cause of the Civil War at an event the previous evening, she was called on the carpet in the afternoon by a 9-year-old boy who questioned her decision to serve in President Donald Trump’s administration.

Haley, 51, spent 23 months as US ambassador to the United Nations during the 45th president’s tenure and has maintained that the 77-year-old was the right leader for the time.

However, during her presidential campaign, Haley has argued that Trump would be ineffective in a second term due to the “chaos” he causes.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has accused Haley of being too soft on Trump, going so far as to say she’s trying to better position herself for another White House run in 2028.


Just one day before Haley was getting slammed for her Civil War comments.

Per Fox News:

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is catching heat from both sides of the political aisle after she initially declined to mention slavery as the reason for sparking the U.S. Civil War.

A voter asked the former U.N. ambassador during a New Hampshire town hall on Wednesday what was “the cause” of the war, to which she joked, “Well, don’t come with an easy question or anything.”

“I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run — the freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do,” she continued.


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