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SYMBOLIC: New Video Shows Reporter Asking Biden Question About Trump Just Seconds Before His Motorcade Was Crashed Into

As WLT reported last night, a driver crashed into Biden’s parked motorcade on Sunday night in Wilmington, Delaware.

The crash caused Secret Service agents to spring into action and pull their weapons on the driver of the car that collided with the motorcade.

No one was seriously injured in the crash, and Biden and his staff were unharmed.

Now, a new video has emerged of a reporter asking Biden why his poll numbers are lower than Trump’s just seconds before the crash occured.

Here’s the video:

Here’s what AP reported:

A car plowed into a parked SUV that was guarding President Joe Biden ‘s motorcade Sunday night while the president was leaving a visit to his campaign headquarters. The president and first lady Jill Biden were unharmed.

While Biden was walking from the campaign office to his waiting armored SUV, a sedan hit a U.S. Secret Service vehicle that was being used to close off intersections near the headquarters for the president’s departure. The sedan then tried to continue into a closed-off intersection, before Secret Service personnel surrounded the vehicle with weapons drawn and instructed the driver to put his hands up.

Biden paused and looked over toward the sound, surprised, before he was ushered into the vehicle, where his wife was already seated, before being driven swiftly back to their home. His schedule was otherwise unaffected by the incident.

Steve Kopek, a U.S. Secret Service spokesman, said the president’s motorcade departed without incident. Local Wilmington police were handling the crash, which means the driver was not considered a serious threat to the president.

Per ABC News:

An SUV that was part of President Joe Biden’s motorcade was struck by another vehicle as Biden was walking out of a dinner on Sunday night, according to reporters traveling with the president.

Biden had just finished answering a reporter’s question when the crash occurred, appearing to startle the president. Secret Service agents then walked Biden to his waiting SUV. First lady Jill Biden was already in the vehicle, according to the press pool. The pair had just attended a dinner with staff at his campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware.

Police are looking at whether impairment was a factor in the accident, according to a Wilmington, Delaware, Police spokesperson


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