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President Trump: “We have all the votes we need”

Today was like a master’s class in (not so) coded messages from President Trump in Iowa.

Listen to this man….

This is not a man who is desperate or worried about anything.

This is a man who knows he already holds all the cards, and he appears calm, cool and confident, but also serious as a heart attack.

Watch this incredible short quote:  “We have all the votes we need”:



And here’s something that will both break and warm your heart at the same time:



President Trump: “It Can’t Be Very Much Longer…One Year Is A Very Long Time!”

This is pretty incredible….

In almost EVERY new speech now from President Trump, he is giving us very clear statements that this whole thing is wrapping up.

I call it “Hidden In Plain Sight” and when you start to stack them all together, it becomes impossible to ignore.

Not just a slip of the tongue here or there, but a very clear message he’s been telling us for several years now.

It was only a couple weeks ago when he told that things would wrap up in less than 5 months…..remember that one?

President Trump: “…In Less Than 5 Months, We’re Going To Defeat Biden…”

Today we got a similar message.

Today he says, quote: "It can't be much year is a very long time."

Folks, he is telling you this thing is over soon.

Watch this:

And then we had this too....


Telling us point blank he won in 2020, it was stolen (or is it "stollen"?) and he got way more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016.

Watch this:

I've been saying it all along....Trump and his team already have all the evidence.

They knew what Biden was going to do before he even did it and they recorded it all.

More on that below....

You HAVE To See This Video: "Central Casting"

I've written a lot about whether we are watching "Central Casting" play out on the world stage.

For those who don't know what that means, Central Casting is a real company that does exactly what the name suggests: they cast people in movies and TV shows.

President Trump references them a lot (I have the clips for you farther below in this article) but the bigger question is whether what you see is not all totally as it seems....

And the people who SEEM like they're in charge right now might not really have much power.


If any of that seems far-fetched, keep reading and I bet by the end of this article you might be amazed at what you missed -- hiding in plain sight!

Now to the video you have to see....

There are a ton of videos below in this article, but the first one I'm going to post below really sums things up so well, and in under 2 minutes.

I came across this while covering the story below and I thought it was so good I had to share it with you separately:

BOMBSHELL: President Trump To Present CLASSIFIED Information Of Election Interference At J6 Indictment Trial

So here you go....

Watch this video and see if it doesn't open up your mind a bit:

Ok, now let's go deeper....

If that has caught your attention, now I'm going to blow your mind wide open:

President Trump Still Using The Presidential Seal?

Do we have yet another installment of "hidden in plain sight"?

I'll report and let YOU decide...

As always, each one of these can perhaps be explained away, but how many do we have to see before they become too many to ignore?

I'll just keep reporting on them and let you make that decision for yourself.

Here's what just happened...

During a MAGA Rally yesterday in Iowa, President Trump suddenly help up his folio/binder and eagle-eyes on Twitter noticed it had the Presidential Seal and said PRESIDENT in the bottom right.

Take a look, it's in this short clip here:

A zoom in:


Closer up:

And one more:

Closer up:

So, it appears clear that this actually happened.

He is still using a folio with the Presidential Seal and marked The President at the bottom.

The only remaining question is whether that has current significance or if he just has a bunch of these leftover from his First Term and he's still using them?

That's the question for you to decide.

But as you decide that, weigh it in the balance of everything else I'm about to show you below....ESPECIALLY the clip where he says his Second Term is essentially happening right now...

President Trump: "We are not going to let them rig the election of 2024!"

Looks like I have to update my "hidden in plain sight" article yet again....

And this one is about as direct as you can get!

You have to see this clip from President Trump yesterday in Anaheim, CA.

It's short and powerful, but as you watch this ask yourself one question: does this look like a man who is worried about anything?

Or does it look like a man who already holds ALL the evidence and is just waiting for the perfect time and place to play it?

My take?

You don't talk like this unless you know you already "have it all".


And if you missed the full speech, I have it for you right here:

Ok, now for the rest of the "Hidden in plain sight" article...

It just keeps growing.

Read it all right here -- it's getting longer and longer each day!

President Trump: "...In My Second Term, Which Is Sort Of Happening Now..."

What in the world does this mean?

I have now updated this article almost 10 times since originally posting it.

This article is a compilation of all the little hints (big hints, really) that President Trump keeps dropping in his speeches.

I thought I would just post it once and that would be it, but there is a new once almost every single day.

At some point I don't know how you can't see it....

How you can't connect the dots...

It's starting to become almost impossible to ignore.

Trump is telling us!

At least that's what I think.

And so does Derek Johnson who has been doing an excellent job of covering this story.

Watch this latest clip right here which is just stunning:


“And in my second term… which is sort of happening now, but I don’t want the results, right? I don’t want the results of this second term. This second term is a disaster for this Country.”

War is ugly. And we’re in it. We’ve been in it. It’s declared in 50 US Code §1550. Has not been terminated.

The Federal Continuity Directives, 2017 National Security Strategy, and the other issues under the FCDs address disasters. They’re for: before, during, and after a catastrophic event.

This is an EPIC Comm. And still separates him as CIC versus President. They’re separate.

Thank you 2016 Supreme Court for the Military Justice Act of 2016, written in May, for clarifying they’re separate, passed in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (Defense Budget for ALL Armed Forces) on December 23, 2016. Merry Christmas radicals 🤭

Boy, did that backfire for the swamp.🔥

It’s right in front of ya. 🇺🇸

I'm sorry folks but what does that even mean if you don't accept it at face value?

Here was the last one from just a couple days ago...

Start piecing these all together and it's an almost impossible message to ignore:

President Trump: "...In Less Than 5 Months, We're Going To Defeat Biden..."

This is now probably the 7th or 8th time I've updated this article.

The common thread in this article is "hidden in plain sight"....all the things Trump keeps telling us in speeches.

Small little bits here and there.

Just misspeaking?

Just a mistake?

Once or twice, ok I can see that.

But President Trump is SHARP...

He still has a Razor Sharp intellect, and at some point you have to ask yourself if these are all just goofs -- or if he's trying to let us know something.

You decide, but here's the latest from South Carolina today:

5 months huh?

Let's is September 25, 2023.

Five months takes us to February 2024.

Does he perhaps mean when Primary Season is over and he goes on to take on Joe Biden?

Or is he telegraphing to us as clearly as he can that there is going to be some form of an intervention before the 2024 election?

Look, I just report -- I'll let you decide.

But read the FULL article below before you do.

And ask yourself if all of these are just misspeaks?

President Trump On Timing: "I don’t know that it takes another year, you wanna know the truth"

We all keep asking the same question....

If we're watching a movie, when is this thing going to end?

And can the end please come soon?

Well, you just got a hat tip from President Trump that it might be over sooner than you think!

Watch this!

It's not just a slip of the tongue either.

He keeps saying this every where he goes!

He said something almost identical just a couple days ago!

Check this out:

President Trump: "We're Going To Take Back The White House...Sooner Than You Think!"

Last week I brought you a post highlighting all of the things President Trump has said over the years that appear to have been "hidden in plain sight".

I liken it to the end of the movie The Sixth Sense, where you saw it the entire movie but didn't really "see it" until the reveal at the end.

It was all hidden right in plain sight -- and you missed it.

We ALL missed it!

That's what made that movie so legendary.

Are we currently watching a movie that's going to put that one to shame?

The Greatest Show On Earth?

I think so.

I didn't think so at first, but eventually you see too much to ignore.

That's where I'm at now.

And here's the latest installment.

The latest little quote from President Trump that seems innocuous at first but when you start looking for these things they jump out to you like a sore thumb!


"Sooner than you think"

Trump: "We’re gonna take back the Senate, take back the House, we’re gonna take back the White House – and sooner than you think. It’s going to be really something special…"

Just a slip of the tongue?

Reading too much into it?



But now stack that on all the others....

Keep reading and tell me below in the Comments how much is too much to continue to ignore it?

Trump has been telling us all along?

UPDATE: More EVIDENCE Hidden In Plain Sight -- Trump Has Been Telling Us All Along!

This is now the THIRD TIME I've updated this article.

More information just keeps coming in...

I'll mark the updated information below so you can see it.

Or just read the whole thing in full again, there is SO MUCH to soak in!

So in my original article, I argued that perhaps President Trump has been telling us the truth all along and we just haven't noticed it.

The truth about what?

Well, the truth about the Military Operation being conducted by the White Hats -- or however you want to phrase it.

But assuming there is a team of "Good Guys" working to save this Country, would we see any evidence of it?

We certainly see evidence of the horror Joe Biden has brought on this Country...but is there evidence that the White Hats are also running their playbook?

I think there is.

"Central Casting"

"He's Shot!"

"I Caught Them All!"

I'll copy my original article below so you can see all of that in case you missed it -- there's a lot in there!

But first I want to show you a bunch of new stuff.

I'll just put it out here and let you decide after you read everything.

Huge credit to my friend Joe Rambo (@Brainstorm_Joe on X) for putting together this incredible thread.

Ok, we start here and please read and watch everything first because it all fits together.  One particular video may not mean a ton on its own, but you put them all together and eventually it tells a pretty compelling story:

How is Trump so confident in telling Karri that something good is going to happen.

Something much bigger....?

Because they caught them all. Including the 2022 midterm thefts.

Space force had an aircraft up for 908 days.

It's called X-37B.

It took off shortly before the 2020 election and landed just after the 2022 election.


Or do they have it all?

Was the military the only way?

Read the rest of this thread.

What we are watching is awesome.

What an amazing time to be alive.

Then we go here:

From this point forward.

We will not announce when we will attack.

But attack we will.

This is a wartime president who was attacked personally from every angle.

As our country was also attacked.

Watch the clips in this thread.

I believe it makes he reference to the "pause" impossible to deny.

Patriots are in control.

I believe the MSM was well aware Trump was telling the truth in these moments.

The summer of love and the media attacks ramped up like crazy leading into 2020 for exactly that reason.

But Trump put safeguards in place.

He signed EO's.

He placed certain people like Ezra and Miller in positions.

He promised to give the government back to the people on day 1.

The "pause" is part of keeping that promise.

The military was the only way.

It had to be this way to minimize loss of life.

To ensure public safety. NCSWIC.

Here he is again.

Hinting at what is really happening.

You have to love that style.

He drops truth BOMBS right in the middle of speeches.

Then moves right along as if he didn't just tell you exactly what is going on.

It's right in our faces.

He caught em all.

I know it's hard to see the forest through the trees.

But it's true.

Patriots are in control.

11/08/19 Trump was already telling you they spent millions of dollars investigating and trying to find corruption. Wanna know why Joe Biden is a different guy? Why he doesn't know he is alive? Why he is shot? The answer is right here. Joe Biden is a crook. If you think no one did anything about it.. I suggest reading the rest of this thread.

Full clip:

Then he explains "the pause"...

This is one of the most compelling clips to me.

Have you seen this?

He's telling you point blank.

Let it simmer for a while and let people see what Radical Left Democrats will do to our country!

It was all planned and had to go this way?

Sure sounds like it:

More proof that Patriots are in control.

Remember that this is an information war.

Nothing is as it seems.

Connect the dots.

Trump re-truthed this post of himself telling us that he could go right in and fix it fast.

But rather they chose to let it simmer for a while.

"Let them see what radical left Democrats will do to our country"

And to boot, the post is overplayed with a literal Q drop. 4461 to be specific.

Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth.


It had to be this way.

This is not another 4-year election.


Q Can you see it yet?

He called it the "pause"

They have it all.

Still think he did nothing about it?

Let's see what happens.

This next one builds on the exact same topic.

He confirms it again:  it was a planned "pause".

It had to be this way:

Translation: I Donald Trump have made moves and signed orders so that we can put the government on pause.

During this period, we will run a multi layered psyop for multiple reasons.

Our country was infiltrated. Our citizens were divided and lulled into slavery.

To correct these issues, we have written a story and produced a show/cover story.

The show will allow the American people to see what we were up against and, in turn, weoponizing the people... all while saving the kids, revamping the financial system, and derooting corruption of every form globally.

We are 100% reaching the precipice.

It is time. It had to be this way.

And it's glorious. What a time to be alive.


He told us so many times.

We just couldn't comprehend how yuge the operation was and therefore what the timeline would be.

I can't wait to make the documentary. I want to name it "Hind sight is 2020"

Vindicating and celebrating all of the anons that picked up on the truth even prior to the fake 2020 election. "The Pause"

In the face of adversity anons and patriots heald the line.

You can feel the excitement in the air.

As Trump is calling g it. "2024 is our final battle"

NCSWIC. Nothing.


Who remembers when the National Guard took an oath to act as US Marshals for 1 year right before "Joe Biden's" inauguration?

What are the duties of a US Marshal?

The duties of the U.S. Marshals Service include protecting the federal judiciary, apprehending federal fugitives, managing and selling seized assets acquired by criminals through illegal activities, housing and transporting federal prisoners and operating the Witness Security Program.

The inauguration was provably false. The wreath ceremony and the 21 gun salute were provably false.

Trump told us "I don't think it's him"

"I caught em. I caught em all. Now let's see what happens."

"The pause is a beautiful thing. If there is such a thing. And it's a beautiful thing."

Are y'all starting to put it together yet?

Drip. Drip. Drip. Flood.

Sometimes you can't tell. You must show.

"It will be much easier to do what must be done. Bc everyone will agree with us."

Y'all ready for the good part? Because here it comes...

So there you go.


Hidden in plain sight?

He's been telling us very clearly!

Want more?

Trump Has Been Telling Us All Along?

I'm just throwing this out there and you can make of it what you will...

You could chalk it all up to just common phrases used over and over with no bigger meaning or purpose behind them.

But I'm starting to wonder if perhaps they do have meaning.

I'm starting to wonder if we truly are going to see and end to this "movie" play out soon, and I'm wondering if when we look back in hindsight if it will be a "Sixth Sense" moment.

You remember that movie?

(30 year old) SPOILER ALERT: In one of the most legendary twists to end a movie of all time, you find out at the end that Bruce Willis has been dead the whole time.

You immediately ask yourself, " can that be?"

We saw him talking to people throughout the movie, did they know he was dead?

But then the flashbacks start and you quickly realize you didn't really see what you thought you saw.

It was all hidden in plain view, but you missed it.

The entire audience missed it for the whole movie.

But when you look back, it's obvious.

And I wonder if that's how this "movie" is going to end.

Will we look back and see that Trump was telling us BIG clues all along?

Will we look back and see it was all hidden in plain sight?

I'll let you judge for yourself, let's start here:

He's shot!

Just a phrase?

He sure does seem to repeat it a LOT.

What do you think?

But that's not the only example...

Now let's go to "Central Casting".

For those who don't know, Central Casting is a real company that specializes in providing actors and background actors for movies.

Gee, isn't that interesting?

Again, it could just be a phrase, but he sure does seem to say it a LOT!

Take a look:

Backup here on Rumble:

Literally "Central Casting"?

Then I have one more...

I'm not sure why this doesn't get more attention.

Here he is point blank telling us "I caught them all".

I'm not sure how else to interpret that other than at face value.

Which leads to the question I know you're probably asking at this point....

Ok, if this IS a movie being allowed to play out and if President Trump DID catch them all, then what is he waiting for?

Why is this taking so long?

Well, I have a theory about that and I'll explain it to you right here:

President Trump Just Confirmed It: "He Already Has All The Evidence!"

This is HUGE folks...

I am literally bouncing a bit in my seat as I type this one.

For years, I have told you my theory is that President Trump already has ALL the evidence.

What evidence?


Confirmation of the 2020 Election Steal (we know they watched and logged it all in realtime from that SCIF)...

All the goods on the Biden Family treason...

All the evidence of the multiple Unconstitutional actions taken against President Trump which also amount to Treason and election interference to name just a couple crimes....





At least that's been my theory.


Call it common sense or intuition or a gut feeling or reading between the lines but in light of everything they've thrown at him and his family, he looks WAY too calm to me to be managing all of this if he didn't already know he had won....

If he didn't already know he holds the Trump Card.

So that's been my working theory.

Then last week a lady named Jan Halper-Hayes went on GBN and told the world that theory is 100% correct.

I mean, she basically reiterated my theory word-for-word and even went farther than anything I've ever speculated.

We covered it and that was excited, but then a couple other things happened and that's where we now advance the story.

First, Don Jr. posted a link to her full interview, essentially giving it his stamp of approval.

Ok, that's cool, but it's not 45.

.......but then 45 did it.

Not only reposted it but gave it his clear endorsement and confirmed it was TRUE.

Take a look:

Here is a backup screenshot to confirm:



I told you this was good!

I'm not the only one picking up on it....

StormIsUponUs summed it up perfectly:

I told you, this movie is just about over and you are going to LOVE how it ends!

To watch the full interview and to read my entire theory, keep reading below...

Here's Why Trump Has Waited SO LONG To Play The Trump Card...

Did you think the 2020 Steal was over?

Think they got away with it?

They have for 3 years but it's far from over.

In fact, thanks to Jack Smith's new charges against President Trump it seems we now have the perfect forum to actually litigate the 2020 election.

And its with that backdrop that I have to show you this brand new interview on England's GBN (which I assume stands for Great Britain News) featuring Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes.

Dr. Halper-Hayes is a political strategist who was on the Trump Transition Team and who is a frequent guest on BBC, CNBC, CNN and Breitbart.

But it's what she said on GBN that got my attention.

Here comes the Trump Card!

Check this out:

Listen carefully: Trump is about to play an ace card. I don't think the two interviewing Jan Halper-Hayes understand the clever manueuvring of the Trump team.

He can subpoena and call witnesses. Its all about to all come out. "Trump has got the goods" He has the evidence of it all.

Nice journalists but coming across as a little bit dim here. This reminds me of Liz Truss trying to deal with Putin. Completely out of their depth. #TrumpArrest #USA

More here from MJ Truth:

🚨 Holy Smokes! Listen to this! 👀

Jan Halper-Hayes, who sits on a TaskForce for the Department of Defense Talks Trumps Subpoena Power and EO 13848- How the DoD & Trump Has All the Goods on the 2020 Election… The US is a BANKRUPT CORPORATION - SPACE FORCE

“They’ve made a HUGE HUGE mistake with this one… Because even though they thought what was gonna happen was that they were going to go after him for treason or sedition, but they did criminally charge him, but they didn’t go to that extreme.

As a result, he has due process so he can subpoena people and bring things in.

Let me say something about this 2020 election. Biden is the legitimate president, but he’s a legitimate president of what is now the BANKRUPT US CORPORATION.

That wa SA treaty in 1871. On September 12, 2018… Trump created a. Executive Order. Within that, he outlined in any future elections, any kind of foreign or domestic interference, specifically for the 2020 election.

(That EO Fam is 13848, the one Joe Biden keeps renewing).

How did he know some of these things were going to happen?..>

What what this has done is open the door for Trump to present his case….>

It’s a great mistake by Jack Smith that he’s done that…

Think about Edward Snowden & all the information he had.

Think about the fact that our military, our Department of Defense, SPACE FORCE… if you think that they don’t have the actual real results from the election, then you’re fooling yourself….>>

She goes on to talk about 2000 mules and the 60 court cases the media lies about that were rejected….

“There were 3… he won 2 & lost 1, 57 were never heard because they had no standing. Standing means the person bringing the case has to claim some kind of impact or injury….>>

I sit on a task force at the Department of Defense & they’ve got the goods. And Trump knew if he presented the evidence early of the goods early on, we’d have a Civil War & he felt that the people had to see how bad it could really get.”


Backup of the full interview here on Rumble:

And from Trump's attorney John Lauro, he confirms many of the same details:

Be careful what you wish for Jack Smith, it looks like you just might get it!


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