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Sen. Dick Durbin Refuses To Follow Protocol, Denies Republican Senators The Right To Speak!

When we talk about living in a “Banana Republic” or a “Biden Regime” what we mean is the laws and rules are all GONE!

The party in power (seemingly) has just thrown them to the wind.

And why wouldn’t they?

There are never any consequences to them, so why not keep grabbing more and more power and keep ignoring more and more rules and laws?

Well, that’s exactly what they’re doing and here’s the latest.

In a stunning display on the Senate floor, Dick Durban REFUSES to let his fellow Senators speak.

They appear dumbfounded and they fight back but he simply refuses — against protocol!

Watch here:



Charlie Kirk is right….they “Democrats” are destroying “Democracy” in realtime!

Literally silencing speech — and that silences Democracy!

SEN. BLACKBURN: “You’re telling us to shut up?”

SEN. COTTON: “You’re going to have a lot of consequences.”

Sen. Tom Cotton calls out Dick Durbin’s incompetence: “You didn’t have a majority present the last time we voted on these judges…It’s not some obscure technicality; incompetence on your part does not override the prerogatives of senators on our part.”

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