Buckle up my friends!
Many of you are not going to handle this article well.
And that’s ok.
I’m ready for you!
Comment away!
Tell me how you’ve read this website for 8 years and now gosh-darn-it you’re leaving and never coming back!
There are two topics that never cease to create absolutely irrational, emotional, violent angry responses whenever I talk about them…
The first is exposing Freemasons, and the second is daring to even ask the question about “Flat Earth”.
Sorry, but my mission remains the same as it was when I founded this site in 2015: to shine the light on TRUTH, wherever that takes us.
So in this article we’re going to talk about the Earth, space and whether there is a massive cover up about the shape of the Earth.
Before you think I’ve gone completely crazy, all I ask is for you to look and see.
And as I always say, I report…YOU decide.
Also, before you think I’ve also gone crazy with the image up above, here’s the deal.
This is from a recent video uploaded by Sean over at SGT Report.
I’m sure MANY of you know SGT Report and have probably listened to a number of Sean’s videos.
I believe Sean is one of the absolute best interviewers out there.
He’s not crazy and he’s not afraid to let his investigation into a story take him wherever the truth goes.
So a few months ago, Sean started talking with these guys who run a channel called the Founded Earth Brothers.
It used to be Flat Earth Brothers but they changed the name to Founded Earth Brothers to reach more people.
Sean started interviewing them and in the early interviews you Sean comes right out and says he thinks “Flat Earth” is a crazy thing to even be talking about.
But then?
But then they keep talking and keep doing interviews and today Sean refers to himself as a “Globe as you’re told skeptic”.
This latest video is honestly one of the best interviews on any topic I have heard in a long time.
Incredibly powerful and I challenge anyone to watch this and not at least start to have some questions going off in your head about whether everything we have been told is a lie.
I can’t possibly put everything they talk about into one article but I’m going to hit a few high points that might cause you to say “huh?”
They did for me.
First up, did you know that despite ALL of our incredible technology and science and all the satellites and everything we have allegedly up in space, did you know that we don’t have ONE single photo of the Earth?
It’s true.
Now I know what you’re thinking, sure we do! I’ve seen the textbooks!
Except what you don’t realize is that EVERY single photo of the Earth that you’ve ever seen has a disclaimer by it saying it is a “composite image”.
Meaning they didn’t just click a button on a camera and snap the pic….instead they took a bunch of smaller images and stitched them all together in a computer program.
Not one single real photo of Earth exists.
And since they’re making these photos in a computer program, perhaps that’s why all of the images look so different over the years:
Yes folks, those are all images NASA has tried to tell you are of the Earth.
Crazy, you wouldn’t think it would change color so much now would you?
But we’re just getting started.
Did you know there is also no live video feed showing the FULL Earth spinning in space?
There are live feed videos but it’s always just of a slice of the Earth. Very odd.
You’d really think that with all our trips to space and all our satellites, we could turn on a camera, snap a normal picture and turn on a live feed to see the whole globe, right?
And speaking of those space trips, did you know after we went to the moon in 1972 we just chose to never go back.
Think about it.
Does that make sense to anyone?
No, I’m not joking.
Here is NASA Astronaut Don Pettit in a very famous clip saying “we don’t have the technology to go to the moon anymore.”
Watch for yourself:
Anyone buying this?
When NASA astronaut Don Pettit was asked “Why haven’t we gone back to the moon” his answer was “We destroyed the technology used to go to the moon and it’s a painful process to try and build it back again” 🧐😵💫 pic.twitter.com/S6HrivaOQN
— Rachel Mary ®️©️ (@RachelMaryColl) December 20, 2022
NASA Don Pettit – We can’t go back to the moon, we destroyed that technology 😂😂😂
There’s more technology in my smartphone than they had during the the 60’s moon landing dude. pic.twitter.com/FWaXxlFEJQ
— Wake Awake (@WakeAwake1) August 3, 2022
Senior astronaut Don Pettit says they destroyed the moon landing technology. Research #flatearth pic.twitter.com/4GtDxPLkex
— Flat Earth Zone (@FlatEarthZone) October 29, 2022
"I'd go to the moon in a nanosecond…but we've lost that technology… and it's a painful process to build it back again." Don Pettit-NASA
Help NASA reconstruct the lost moon landing technology. I'm donating an old foldup chair.😉 How about you? pic.twitter.com/Gf216cWAth
— Persia❤️ اریایی (@roya21042019) February 5, 2022
Can you think of any other example in life where we found a new land and just chose to never return?
Or can you think of any other example where from 1972 to 2021 our technology went BACKWARD?
We had the tech to land on the moon in 1972 but we don’t have it now in 2021?
I know this is going to be hard for many to believe and the cognitive dissonance is going to be STRONG on this article and I’m ready for it.
I know the comments section is going to probably be a cesspool.
That’s fine.
I still have to serve the Red Pill whenever it’s needed.
And this is the biggest Red Pill out there.
Because it gets to the question everyone ultimately asks when you talk about Flat Earth: Why?
Why would they fake this?
Why lie about this?
The answer is actually simple.
If we live on a still, flat Earth with a firmament over the top of it (like the Bible says we do) then we were obviously put here by a Creator.
But if we’re just a pale blue dot hurling through the vast emptiness of space, then we might just be random chance. No Creator. No God.
I’ve only just barely scratched the surface so far with my comments, but the guys in the video do such a good job I want to turn you over to them.
My only request to you is you don’t comment on this article until you actually watch the video below from SGT Report.
Then comment.
Here you go:
[iframe src=”https://www.bitchute.com/embed/3nFHFStFJp1E/?list=notifications&randomize=false” width=”100%” height=”360″]
Let me know what you think!
And for the Flat Earthers out there, leave your best Flat Earth Proofs in the comments below too!
There are many….
I actually had Dave Weiss on my show recently too.
Here is that interview if you’re interested:
DAVE WEISS: Exposing The TRUTH About Where We Actually Live
This article is probably going to be one of the most controversial things I have posted in a long time.
And I’m ok with that.
I know some people will judge a book by its cover and immediately write this off, but I give you one caution before you do…
There is a famous quote I’d like to share with you that has been attributed to many different people over time, so I’m not sure who said it first, but it goes like this:
There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance – that principle is contempt prior to investigation.
Read that again and let it sink in.
If you want to remain in ignorance, write off an idea before you even look into it. Surefire way to stay uninformed.
Ok, so with that disclaimer out of the way, let’s jump in to this wild one!
I had a brand new guest on my show today over at The Daily Truth Report…Dave Weiss who goes by the name “Flat Earth Dave”.
If you got a little triggered at what I just typed, go back up and read that quote again.
Because here’s the deal…
My mission here from Day 1 has always been to follow the truth anywhere we find it.
And that is never more true than when the truth we find is (1) in direct conflict with what the powers-that-be want you to think and (2) in complete alignment with the Bible.
And that’s what we have here.
Mind blown yet?
We’re only just getting started. and open I don’t love the term “Flat Earth” because it carries with it a lot of mockery and nonsense, but I do like the term “Biblical Model of the Earth”.
I also like doing my own research.
Dave and I chatted for over an hour and my goal was just to ask questions and open up the topic in a way that might lead many people to realize this isn’t crazy at all — and in fact, is much more legitimate than you may have ever imagined.
Some of the things we discussed are why can a compass only point north? Ever wondered that? If a compass is just a magnet, why do they only point north, why never a compass that points south?
Unless…it were not possible?
We break it down in the video.
We also talk about why perhaps the Georgia Guidestones HAD to be demolished right now…
Because they had a hole in the center that always lined up to the north star.
The only problem with that?
Science has been telling us the north star shifts each year by small degrees, but enough that over the 40 years that Guidestones were up that the hole should no longer have lined up — not even close.
Except….it still did.
Perfectly aligned.
Almost as if we lived on a still, flat Earth, with the sun, moon and stars set above us — exactly the way the Bible describes.
My favorite part was when we looked at the emergency landing of airplanes.
This is the one I think will probably open the most eyes.
Sixteen different examples of planes making emergency landings and guess what?
By their normal flight plans, they landed in places they should not have been anywhere close to.
Except…if you look at a Flat Earth model of the world, then they landed almost exactly where they were supposed to be, in a direct line flight path.
Sixteen of them!
I could go on and on, but I want to turn you loose to watch this one yourself.
Remember the principal from above before you watch:
There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance – that principle is contempt prior to investigation.
You can watch here on Rumble:
And for those YT fans…
Here on YouTube (if they keep it up):
You can find Dave online here:
Direct Link to The Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app – https://qrco.de/bbizVA
Social Media Profiles: Website – https://www.FlatEarthDave.com Twitter – https://twitter.com/thefepodcast/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/theflatearthpodcast/ Facebook – https://facebook.com/theflatearthpodcast/
YouTube Channel: DITRH (Deep Inside The Rabbit Hole) https://www.youtube.com/c/DITRH/videos
And now I’d like to dig in even more to what the BIBLE has to say about the place we live…
Through and through, the Bible describes a still, stationary, flat plane.
But don’t just take my word for it.
I want to give you some extra info from Rob Skiba who was an absolute genius when it came to this.
First, I want to address why this is even important in the first place.
Good question, right?
Why would yours truly even be spending any time on this?
From Rob Skiba’s TestingTheGlobe he answers that really well:
Before we begin, I must say it quite literally astounds me that Christians can’t see why this Flat Earth Controversy is important to nail down. Why does this matter? Well, just off the top of my head:
1) Genesis is the foundation of ALL that we believe in the Bible to be true. If Genesis is wrong, then it ALL crumbles under a faulty foundation. Genesis says NOTHING – zip, zero, nadda – about the Earth being set in motion (orbit or rotation) around the sun. In fact, the sun doesn’t even show up until AFTER the Earth is already in place with life ALREADY in existence. Genesis says the sun, moon and stars were placed INSIDE the SAME firmament within which that Earth was formed, not outside of it. Thus, we have a completely enclosed system, within which the sun, moon and stars move, NOT the Earth. You can Yoga-Jujitsu-Wrestle Mania twist and distort the text into pretzels all you want, but it won’t change what it says.
2) IF what we are seeing concerning the Flat Enclosed Earth thesis is true, then we are all there is. We are center stage. We are the main attraction and there can be NO argument as to whether or not there is a Creator. None. His existence could not possibly become more blatantly obvious than in this model.
3) IF the Flat Enclosed Earth thesis is true, evolution goes out the window and the theory of Ancient Alien seeders is obliterated. In this regard, I believe we become painfully aware of the Great Deception… and will NOT be fooled by it.
4) IF the Flat Enclosed Earth thesis is true, then we can NOT EVER trust NASA or the government about ANYTHING and we will finally be forced to fully trust YHWH’s Word as our sole source for truth and stop trying to bend and manipulate it to fit false paradigms.
5) If heliocentricity IS false, then Scripture IS true. If Scripture IS true, and can thus be taken literally, why should we not take it just as literal when it describes the earth as fixed, not moving, set on a foundation of pillars, carved as a “circle” with edge boarders inside something with four corners, enclosed under a dome?
The next question often tied to the first one is “Why would anyone lie about this?”
Again Skiba answers:
Along with those emotions comes an all too common question: Why?? What’s the motivation to lie to us about the shape and nature of our world? To me, the motivation is quite clear:
1) First get people to doubt YHWH’s Word by destroying the very foundation of our Bible: Genesis – specifically the Creation account.
2) Set up a new paradigm, where God is out and “science” is in. Evolution removes YHWH from the equation.
3) When evolution finally runs its course and becomes utterly bankrupt, introduce the idea of “Intelligent Design” but deny the True Designer His due credit and place it rather on “Ancient Aliens.”
4) Promote the Ancient Alien theme as much as possible in all forms of media by perpetuating the concept of Earth as a tiny “blue marble” orbiting an average sun in an average galaxy among trillions of other galaxies in an ever expanding Universe. With so much “potential for life to exist” in such a vast expanse, the idea of alien scientists being our creators seems a lot more plausible over time and heavy indoctrination.
5) The stage is set for our “alien creators” to return and bestow upon us their “miracles, signs and wonders” in order to convince us all the more that all religions are false. We then put our trust in them. Finally, when Christ does return, we are all convinced that He is the enemy and our united world gathers together to make war with Him.
Wow, sound familiar?
Sound like anything currently happening the world?
It does to me.
I said earlier that the Bible is a “flat earth book” through and through.
Now let me back that up.
Again from Skiba’s TestingTheGlobe, I give you all relevant scriptures:
Scriptures concerning the nature of the heavens/sky above and their relationship to the earth:
Job 9: 6 Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble. 7 Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the stars. 8 Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea.
Job 22:14 Thick clouds are a covering to him, that he seeth not; and he walketh in the circuit {Hebrew: “chug”} of heaven. Job 22:14 (HCSB) Clouds veil Him so that He cannot see, as He walks on the circle of the sky. Job 22:14 (ASV) Thick clouds are a covering to him, so that he seeth not; And he walketh on the vault of heaven.
Job 26: 7 He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing. 8 He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them. 9 He holdeth back the face of his throne, and spreadeth his cloud upon it. 10 He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come to an end. 11 The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof. 12 He divideth the sea with his power, and by his understanding he smiteth through the proud. 13 By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent.
Job 37:18 Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?
Genesis 1:
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
Genesis 8:2 The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained;
2 Samuel 22:8 Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations of heaven moved and shook, because he was wroth.
Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Psalm 29:10 The LORD sitteth upon the flood; yea, the LORD sitteth King for ever.
Psalm 78:
21 Therefore the Lord heard this, and was wroth: so a fire was kindled against Jacob, and anger also came up against Israel; 22 Because they believed not in God, and trusted not in his salvation: 23 Though he had commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of heaven,
24 And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven. 25 Man did eat angels’ food: he sent them meat to the full.
Psalm 104:
1 Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty. 2 Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain: 3 Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind:
Psalm 148:4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.
Proverbs 8:27 When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set {Hebrew: “chaqaq”} a compass {Hebrew: “chug”} upon the face of the depth: Proverbs 8:27 (ESV) When He established the heavens, I was there, When He inscribed a circle on the face of the deep.
Isaiah 13:13 Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.
Isaiah 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: Isaiah 40:22 (ISV) He’s the one who sits above the disk of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers. He’s the one who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to live in,
Isaiah 44:24 Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the Lord that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;
Isaiah 45:12 I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.
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